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Warm Up: What is your identity? How would you define yourself?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: What is your identity? How would you define yourself?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: What is your identity? How would you define yourself?
Did any groups have similar factors that came up in defining their identity? How would you define the “American identity”?

2 PEGS—It helps us categorize, compare/contrast, and analyze changes over time

3 Using PEGS to analyze historical changes over time—
We will analyze how the United States economy and politics has changed overtime together, and then you will complete social on your own Be prepared to share you answer with the class!

4 Practice Cut out the 8 descriptions and place them in their appropriate categories

5 Warm-up Picture on pg. 1 in textook (Day 2)
Why might this women be traveling? Determine a political, economic, geographic, and social reason for her departure.

6 Can you apply PEGS to your own life and identity?
Political: Who makes the rules in your family? What kind of privileges do you and/or your siblings have? Do you or other family members have a say in decisions? Economic: How are your basic needs met? (i.e. food and shelter) Do you have technology in your house to help with homework, entertainment, and communication? How would you describe the types of jobs in your family and/or in your neighborhood? Geographic: What is your physical environment like where you live? (land, climate) Does the environment affect how you live? Social: Is your family religious, or have certain spiritual beliefs? Do you have traditions that you follow? Does your family have certain values? (For example on education, behavior, music, movies, ways of dress, etc)

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