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Landforms The shapes of our world

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Presentation on theme: "Landforms The shapes of our world"— Presentation transcript:

1 Landforms The shapes of our world
8.3.spi.2. identify and use the key geographic elements on maps (i.e., island, flood plain, swamp, delta, marsh, harbor, cape, sea level, bay, prairie, desert, oasis, mesa, mountain, valley, glacier, canyon, cliff, plateau).

2 Bellwork Bell Work: Match the definition of the landform to its type
1. a narrow strip of water connecting two large bodies of water A. desert 2. a large ice mass that moves slowly down a mountain or over land B. valley 3. a dry area where few plants grow and little precipitation falls C. glacier 4. part of an ocean or lake partially enclosed by land D. strait 5. low land between hills or mountains E. bay

3 Landforms bay harbor delta butte desert prairie glacier mountain cliff canyon

4 Bay part of an ocean or lake partially enclosed by land

5 Harbor a sheltered area of water, deep enough for docking ships

6 mini review What's the difference between a bay and a harbor?

7 Delta a triangular area of land formed from deposits at the mouth of the river

8 Butte (not the thing you sit on)
a raised, flat area of land with steep cliffs, smaller than a mesa

9 desert (not the cake you eat after dinner)
a dry area where few plants grow

10 Prairie a large, level area of grassland with few or no trees

11 mini review desert prairie

12 Glacier a large ice mass that moves slowly down a mountain or over land

13 Mountain natural elevation of the earth's surface with steep sides and greater height than a hill

14 Cliff the steep, almost vertical edge of a hill, mountain or plain

15 Canyon a narrow, deep valley with steep sides

16 Complete the Following:
Exit Ticket Complete the Following: Name 3 types of landforms. Compare two similar landforms Name a landform in the City of Memphis.


18 Something to think about
Daily Thought “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.” Winston Churchill

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