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Introduction to Plant Reproduction

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1 Introduction to Plant Reproduction

2 Objective List and explain the different types of flowers.
Complete Incomplete

3 Complete Flowers Sepals The outer part of the flower.
In open flowers, the sepals are found at the base of the plant.

4 Petals The brightly colored, soft tissue that attracts insects.

5 Stamens The male part of the flower that has an anther at the end of it to produce pollen.

6 Pistil Stigma Style Ovary The opening of the pistil.
The tube-like structure that connects the stigma and ovary. Ovary The site of fertilization and growth of the seed.

7 Stigma, Style & Ovary

8 Ovary

9 Complete Flower

10 Complete Flower

11 Incomplete Flower An incomplete flower is one that lacks one or more of the four principal components identified in a complete flower.

12 Explain the difference between a perfect and imperfect flower
A perfect flower is one with both the stamen and pistil An imperfect flower is one that lacks one of the sex organs.

13 Define pollination, fertilization and germination.
The transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma of a flower of the same species. Fertilization The union of the pollen and ovule cells. Germination The sprouting of a seed.

14 Define asexual reproduction
The reproduction of a plant without the uniting of a pollen and ovule. Asexual reproduction is often referred to as vegetative propagation since no seed is involved in the formation of the new plant. It is known as a clone. Leaves, stems or roots may be used to grow a new plant. *Produces a genetically identical plant.

15 Sexual Reproduction Pollen is delivered to female part of plant
Flowering plants + Plants don’t have to move, mixes DNA - Need external source for pollination to take place; wind, bee, bat, butterfly etc.

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