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The Math Side of Things..

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1 The Math Side of Things.

2 What are the trends? Correlation – when two variables show a relationship between them. ex. There is a correlation between bringing Mr. Stevens coffee and food and his happiness in class. Are there any correlations between size of country and size of population?

3 Population Density Population density is a way of describing how crowded a place is. Population density = number of people living in an area size of area (in km2) Review the list of responsibilities students have in a week. Are those responsibilities reasonable or not? Why?

4 Birth/Death Rate, Natural Increase, Immigration
Birth Rate – the number of people born per year x population Death Rate – the number of deaths per year x population Natural Increase Rate = birth rate – death rate Immigration Rate the number of immigrants per year x 1000 population

5 Emigration Rate the number of emigrants per year x 1000
population Net Migration Rate = Immigration Rate – Emigration Rate Population Growth Rate = Natural Increase Rate + Net Migration Rate (Per 1,000)

6 The Rule of 70 (Doubling Time)
Population Growth Rate (as a percent) 70 = years 1.1 What this tells us is that the population of that country will double in 63.6 years. Review the list of responsibilities students have in a week. Are those responsibilities reasonable or not? Why?

7 Rules 1000 Always express numbers by per 1,000
I.e. Death rate is 8 per 1,000 Always express natural increase rate as a % X = 1.1 % 1000

8 An example… Let’s say a country has a population of 30,000,000.
Births = 390,000 immigrants = 220,000 Deaths = 210,000 emigrants = 60,000 How can we figure out how fast their population is growing???

9 Time to practice…. A country has a population of 1,807,242.
Births = 50,250 immigrants = 13,605 Deaths = 42,658 emigrants = 11,500 Do all the calculations (just like in the example we did)

10 Answers Doubling Time = 132.1 years Birth rate = 27.8 per 1,000
Death rate = 23.6 per 1,000 Natural increase rate = 4.2 per 1,000 Immigration rate = 7.5 per 1,000 Emigration rate = 6.4 per 1,000 Net Migration rate = 1.1 Population Growth rate (%) = = % Doubling Time = years

11 Another practice question….
A country has a population of 726,000 Births = 12,500 immigrants = 3,605 Deaths = 6,100 emigrants = 1,500 Do all the calculations (just like in the example we did)

12 Answers Doubling Time = 60 years Birth rate = 17.2 per 1,000
Death rate = 8.4 per 1,000 Natural increase rate = 8.8 per 1,000 Immigration rate = 5 per 1,000 Emigration rate = 2.1 per 1,000 Net Migration rate = 2.9 Population Growth rate (%) = = % Doubling Time = 60 years

13 Homework question…. A country has a population of 8,000,000
Births = 200,000 immigrants = 125,000 Deaths = 40,000 emigrants = 30,000 Do all the calculations.

14 Homework Answers Doubling Time = 41 years Birth rate = 25 per 1,000
Death rate = 7.3 per 1,000 Natural increase rate = 17.7 per 1,000 Immigration rate = 1.25 per 1,000 Emigration rate = 1.5 per 1,000 Net Migration rate = 0.25 Population Growth rate (%) = = % Doubling Time = 41 years

15 1. Write these questions in your book.
Is Canada’s population evenly spread out across the country? Why or why not? What is the population density for most of Canada? (low, medium, high) Do you think Canada is a crowded country? Explain.

16 Answer the previous questions
using the following map.

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