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Introduction to World Geography

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1 Introduction to World Geography
Mr. Rangel E 203 Visionaries World Geography/World history

2 Welcome Welcome Freshmen!
This class is designed to challenge and prepare you so that you enter 10th grade World History with background knowledge of the world.

3 Rules & Guidelines STUDENTS WILL
Be in their seats ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Bring all necessary materials (textbook, binder, pen, paper, etc.) and completed assignments every day. Respect the property of others. Respect the ideas of others

4 Rules & Guidelines STUDENTS WILL
Respect their peers, classmates and the teacher (no excuses) Only be dismissed by myself at the end of the period. (The bell does not dismiss you, I do) Not disrupt the learning process. Abusive language or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

5 Rules & Guidelines STUDENTS WILL
Not be allowed to use their cell phones or any other electronic materials at anytime. Not be allowed to apply any cosmetics (ex. Lipstick, makeup, etc.) or use mirrors at anytime. Failure to comply will result in loss of object and will not be returned.

6 Goals & Objectives Have a deeper appreciation for the cultural and physical variety of the earth. Be able to identify and locate nearly 200 countries, many large cities, and major physical features such as mountain ranges, deserts and rivers. Understand that geography is more than just memorizing the locations of places. It is a way of explaining the WHY behind the WHERE – or the factors that account for the patterns we see.

7 Goals & Objectives Have an interest and understanding of current events both in the United States and other parts of the world. Be able to develop a thesis statement and write a multi-paragraph essay defending their position on a variety of topics Leave with a broad platform of general knowledge about the world on which to build a more profound understanding through a lifetime of inquiry and experience.

8 Supplies One 5 Subject Spiral Notebook Black or blue ink pen/Pencil
Notebook Paper One pack of color pencils

9 Consequences Oral warning 5 minutes detention
10 minutes detention and call to parents Private conference with student and parents Office referral

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