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17.3 The Periodic Table.

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1 17.3 The Periodic Table


3 Periodic Table Periodic-repeating pattern 115 elements in 2004
Changing-man made elements 92 naturally occurring (others man made/nuclear) (Anything above 92)

4 Organization Mendeleev-1st based on mass Today-based on atomic #
Groups-vertical columns- same family=Valence Electrons-electron dot diagram Periods-horizontal rows=energy levels-electron configuration

5 Element Classification 3 types
Metals- Nonmetals- Semiconductors-Metalloids

6 Metals 1.) Alkali metals-soft, shiny, most reactive (easy to lose the 1 V. electron, cation) GROUP 1 not found in element form in nature 2.) Alkaline Earth Metals- malleable, ductile. Reactive: Group 2 V. electrons not found in element form in nature Ca- bones, shells, limestone, Mg- airplanes, Epsom salt.

7 Metals cont… 3.)Transition Metals-less reactive, conduction of heat/electric, shiny Au (gold), Ag (silver), Pt- Jewelry Cu (copper) –plumbing/wires Fe (Iron), Co (Cobalt), Mn (Manganese)-essential nutrients W (Tungsten)-light bulb filiments Technetium & Promethium-synthetic, radioactive

8 Inner Transition Metals: (f orbital)
Lanthanides-top 58-71 Actinides-bottom Radioactive-unstable

9 Non Metals Except for Hydrogen, Non Metals on right side of Table
C-graphite/diamond, IMPORTANT ELEMENT Plentiful on Earth Halogens-Group 17 Cl-kill bacteria Fl-poison, toothpaste Br- liquid I- table salt, tyroid gland

10 Noble Gas Group 18 Exist as single atoms, not molecules Non-reactive
He-light, balloons Ne-lights Ar-light bulbs

11 Semiconductors Diagonal row on right Metalloids/semi conductors
B-HARD Steel Si-sand, computers Sb- Poisonous

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