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The Diversity of Cells Chapter 3: Section 1.

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1 The Diversity of Cells Chapter 3: Section 1

2 Cells and the Cell Theory
Robert Hooke First person to observe cells from a cork - After the invention of a microscope - 1665 First to observe single-celled organisms Anton von Leeuwenhoek - 1673 - From pond scum - First to see blood, bacterial, and yeast cells -After 200 years, 3 major discoveries led to the Cell Theory

3 s u r f a c e - t o v l m i = Cell Theory
1. All organisms are made of one or more cells 2. The cell is the basic unit of all living things 3. All cells come from existing cells Cell Size Most are too small to see w/o a microscope - A chicken yolk is one big cell - Have to be small b/c food and waste must pass through the surface - As cell’s volume increases, surface areas increases s u r f a c e - t o v l m i =

4 Parts of a Cell Cell membrane Cytoplasm Organelles Genetic Material
All cells contain these parts. Nucleus – NOT found in all cells

5 2 Types of Cells Prokaryotic - Cell without a nucleus Eukaryotic - Cell with a nucleus

6 Prokaryotes - Single-Celled organisms - NO nucleus - NO membrane-bound organelles 1. Bacteria 2 Types of Prokaryotes 2. Archaea Bacteria - Smallest cells - No membrane-bound organelles - Contains ribosomes - Live in water, soil, and on or in other organisms

7 Flagellum - Whip-like extension used for movement Archaea 3 Types: 1. Heat-loving 2. Salt-loving 3. Methane-loving Extremophiles - Archaea that live in extreme environments

8 Eukaryotes - Organism with one or more eukaryotic cells - Contain a nucleus - Contain membrane-bound organelles - 10x the size of bacteria cells - Usually multicellular Ex: Humans, Plants, Algae Multicellular - Made of many cells


10 Eukaryotic Cells Chapter 3: Section 2

11 Cell Wall - Only found in plants and algae - Provides structure and support Cellulose - Complex sugar - Used to make cell - Helps plants and algae retain their shape

12 Cell Membrane - Found in ALL cells - Protective barrier - Outermost layer when cell wall is not present - Right inside cell wall when present - Contains proteins, lipids, and phospholipids - Allows nutrients in and wastes out Phospholipid - A double layer made of fats and phosphorous - Can be hydrophilic or hydrophobic

13 Hydrophilic - “Water loving” - Inner layer of double layered membrane Hydrophobic - “Water fearing” - Outer layer of doubled layered membrane Cytoskeleton - Web of proteins in cytoplasm - Keeps cell from collapsing - Can help with movement - Made of 3 types of proteins: hollow, long, or stringy

14 Nucleus - Contains the cell’s DNA - Enclosed by a double membrane - Contains messages on how to make proteins - Contains pores to allow material in and out Ribosomes - Make proteins - Made from amino acids (organic molecules used to make proteins). - Found in ALL cells - Not covered by a membrane

15 - Folded membranes Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) - Where proteins, lipids, and other materials are made - A part of the internal delivery system - Can be rough or smooth - Rough ER contains ribosomes - Smooth ER lacks ribosomes

16 - Main power source of the cell
Mitochondria - Where sugar is broken down to ATP (energy) - Contains a double membrane

17 - Found in plants and algae Chloroplasts - Site of photosynthesis
- Contains a double membrane Photosynthesis - Process using sunlight, Carbon Dioxide, and water to make sugar and oxygen

18 Golgi Complex - Packages and distributes proteins - Also modifies lipids and proteins for different jobs - Final products remain in a portion of the Golgi Complex membrane in a small bubble

19 Vesicle - A small sac surrounding materials to be moved in, out, or within a cell - Includes products from the Golgi Complex Lysosomes - Contain digestive enzymes - Mainly in animal cells - Responsible for cellular digestion - Destroy worn-out cells and cellular waste - Protects cell from invaders Vacuole - A form of a vesicle - Found in plant and fungus cells - Stores water and other liquids.


21 The Organization of Living Things
Chapter 3: Section 3

22 Benefits of Being Multicellular
1. Larger Size 2. Longer Life 3. Specialization Cells Working Together Tissue - A group of cells that work together to perform a specific function - 4 basic types in animals 1. Nerve tissue 2. Muscle tissue 3. Connective tissue 4. Protective tissue

23 - 3 basic types in plants 1. Transport tissue 2. Protective tissue 3. Ground tissue Organ - Two or more tissues working together to perform a specific function Ex: Heart, Lungs, Leaf, Roots Organ System - A group of organs working together to perform a specific function Ex: Root System, Digestive System


25 Organism - Can perform life processes by itself Unicellular An organism made of one cell - Single cell must be able to perform all life functions Multicellular An organism made of many cells - Specialized cells that depend on each other

26 Structure Arrangement of parts Function The job the part has - Structure and function are closely related Ex: Alveoli and Blood Vessels

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