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Warm up- Oct 31 What is a rain shadow?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up- Oct 31 What is a rain shadow?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up- Oct 31 What is a rain shadow?
What does a rain shadow cause to form? How would you describe the resulting landscape?

2 I will be able to describe the formation of deserts and explain that climate region biome.

3 Perhaps the most challenging physical conditions in the terrestrial environment…

4 Deserts have an annual rainfall of less than 25 cm
Deserts have an annual rainfall of less than 25 cm. Typically highly variable. Deserts cover about 12% of the continents. Every continent but Europe!

5 Temperature also variable:
Hot deserts- Sahara Cool deserts- Mongolia’s Gobi Cold deserts- Antarctica

6 Conditions that contribute to desert formation:
Prevailing high pressure Rain shadows


8 Desert landscapes not subjected to human activity may actually be very stable.
May develop sand dune systems.

9 Desert soils typically have a relatively stable surface layer
Desert soils typically have a relatively stable surface layer. Sometimes, the removal of fine soil has resulted in a “desert pavement”.

10 Desert soils may develop a soil crust.

11 Arid and semiarid are particularly vulnerable to human impact.
Impacts include: Overgrazing Cutting of fuel-wood Physical disturbance of the surface.

12 Desertification – the degradation of arid, semiarid, and dry subhumid lands as a result of human activities and climatic variations.

13 Desert Plants

14 Desert Animals

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