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The Counterculture.

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1 The Counterculture

2 Rise of Counterculture
Rebelling against mainstream culture (dress, music, personal behavior, etc.) Roots in Beat movement (50s) + CRM (ideas of protest) Youth, spontaneity, freedom of expression  “hippies” Generation gap --- lack of understanding/ communication

3 Defining counterculture
“Sex, drugs, rock-and-roll” Rock music --- Beatles Art & lit --- questioning what’s real; political activism; etc “Sexual revolution” --- rejected traditional restrictions Communes Different routes to spirituality – Buddhism, nature, etc. Fell end of 1960s

4 Women’s Rights Movement

5 “Second Wave of Feminism”
Inspired & taught by CRM Fought against stereotypes Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (1963): expressed uneasiness among housewives; perception in media; etc. Est. of NOW (National Organization for Women) 1966 Main goals: passage of ERA & protection of reproductive rights

6 NOW too tame? Protests (Miss America), small efforts, mass media {ex: Gloria Steinem}
NOW too radical? Ex: Phyllis Schlafly  ERA would mean military service; end of sep. bathrooms; hurt family ….. ERA failed by 3 states

7 Lasting Effects of women’s rights movement
Civil Rights Act 1964 – EEOC Title IX (1972) Roe v. Wade (1973) Gains in workplace (working women, married working women, traditionally male fields, etc.) Most of these issues still controversial today Pay gap “Feminization of poverty”

8 ERA: YAY OR NAY? On a sheet of paper, make a pro/con chart--- we will look at arguments made in the 1970s in favor of & in opposition to the ERA On the back of your chart paper, write 2-3 paragraphs in answer to the following question(s): Do we need an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution today? Why or why not? How do your personal biases/ experiences affect your opinion?

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