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Friday Quiz then you can start the questions on your note sheet!

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Presentation on theme: "Friday Quiz then you can start the questions on your note sheet!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday Quiz then you can start the questions on your note sheet!
Daily Science Friday Quiz then you can start the questions on your note sheet!

2 Daily Science- Bonus Quiz!
See Miss Hager for notecard and fill out the following on one side (the other side will be for quiz answers) Your first and last name Parent name(s) Parent(s) home and cell phone #’s (please label) Parent(s) (do the best you can!)

3 Bonus Quiz! Answer: Use of tabs, keep up with organizing it, graded randomly, etc. 1. Describe one unique thing about how you will set-up your binder in this class. 2. What is the HW late policy in this class? 3. How many participation points do you get at the beginning of each quarter? 4. What sport did I play in college? 5. How are grades weighted in this class? Answer: 10% late first day, 20% next day, 0% next day Answer: 100 points Answer: Soccer Answer: They are weighted by category 40% down to 10%

4 Candle Experiment Have you ever inquired about something? What does that mean? Write an example of how you have personally used inquiry before: Write down what you “see, think, and wonder” on your note sheet data table

5 Class Thoughts See Think Wonder Before During After

6 Flip to the Back of Your Paper
Think-Pair-Share These With a Partner! 1. What would you do differently next time if I had you “see, think, and wonder” about something? Remember, you didn’t know it was string cheese! (record your answer on your page) Let’s talk about the difference between inference and direct observations. What do you think they are? (record your answer on your page) Inference- Direct observation- They explain what you are observing, use what you know, gather information Use your 5 senses, can be qualitative or quantitative

7 Daily Science- Set this up in your binder in the “in class work” tab
Daily Science- Set this up in your binder in the “in class work” tab. Should be loose paper in this section for Daily Science. Record what you “see, think, and wonder” when observing this lit candle. Be prepared to discuss your answers.

8 Scientific Inquiry Biology

9 Inquiry in Science Scientists use inquiry to study the natural world
Based on the evidence they gather they can propose explanations Scientific inquiry is also how students develop knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas Scenario: A student has a jammed locker. How will they use inquiry to fix the problem?

10 Check Out This Scientist Who Used Inquiry for Big Discoveries
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek- observed tiny “animalcules” swimming in rainwater which lead to the discovery of microscopic organisms He tested water inside, outside, hot and cold to inquire about these wee beasties Inquiry still happens past and present!

11 Accidental Scientific Discoveries
Check out this video about Alexander Flemming

12 Homework Find 2 examples of cool research going on right now in the field of Biology For each one explain how inquiry drives their research Cite your resources (list the websites, for example)

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