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LG: Like, seriously,. LG: Like, seriously, faith [feyth]   1.confidence or trust in a person or thing 2.belief that is not based on proof.

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Presentation on theme: "LG: Like, seriously,. LG: Like, seriously, faith [feyth]   1.confidence or trust in a person or thing 2.belief that is not based on proof."— Presentation transcript:


2 LG: Like, seriously,

3 faith [feyth] 1.confidence or trust in a person or thing 2.belief that is not based on proof

4 1. The Beginnings a. Grew from a tiny sect in 1st century Palestine.

5 Stay Jewish or What you Are
b. Jesus, the son of God, came to the Jews (and others) and said that he was the messiah (savior) of the people. Messiah? Yes. Go Christian No. Stay Jewish or What you Are

6 c. Was later crucified.

7 d. The Apostle (messenger or envoy)Paul, a follower Peter who is considered the 1st leader of the Catholic/Christian Church, is considered one of the greatest contributors and theologians of the New Testament. i. Pushed forth theology based on Christ, rather than Mosaic (Moses) Law. - Still followed 10 Commandments & Golden Rule. - Christ is divine. ii. By 1st Century CE, Christianity was seen as unique enough to be separate than Judaism even though the first Christians were Jewish.

8 e. Was seen as a cult early on. i. Immoral at least. f
e. Was seen as a cult early on. i. Immoral at least. f. Faced great persecution by Romans. i. 1st to 4th centuries CE. ii. Secret religious practices & CANNIBALS! - Eating the body and blood of Christ. g. 312 CE Roman Emperor Constantine converts to Christianity. i. Christianity is now accepted in Rome.



11 2. The Man at the Center Jesus=Latin  “Iesous”=Greek  Y’shua=Hebrew
i. Christ isn’t even a name, means “the anointed one”. - Translated into Messiah. b. Said he was son of God (gained enemies & followers). i. Preached forgiveness, very open to sinners, accepted outcasts, and cared for the poor, mercy, and faith. ii. Sent to earth and died for the sins of humans. c. Gospels of Bible were written 2-3 generations after death.

12 d. Above all in Christianity… Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God
d. Above all in Christianity… Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. i. This is central to any Christian doctrine or denomination. ii. His second coming is imminent.

13 e. When Jesus was crucified, his dead body was placed in a cave. i
e. When Jesus was crucified, his dead body was placed in a cave. i. 3rd day he rose again. ii. This proved he was the messiah.

14 3. Christian Denominations
a. *** Draw it ouuuuuuuttttttttttt in order of how the church spilt… USE PENCIL.

15 4. The Church Splits! a. Catholicism used to be Christianity… ??? b. Schism in 1054 i. Latin speaking West (Roman Catholic) breaks from Greek-speaking Byzantine Empire (Eastern Orthodox). - Over who had authority where. - Excommunicated each other.

16 *** Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Comparison Reading.
c. Differences of the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Church. *** Use the reading to find and summarize 5 differences between the two churches. i. ii. iii. iv. v.




20 Vlad Dracolya of Wallachia





25 d. Leading to the Protestant Reformation i
d. Leading to the Protestant Reformation i. Catholic Christian was Christianity until the Protestant Reformation. ii , there was not a lot of openness and a lot of unchallenged authority in the West. - Church was the govt. iii. Abuses abound! - Church gets money hungry! and…

26 Office seeking! and… Concubinage of sworn celibate leaders! Entangled religious and military alliances! Indulgences! - Talk to God through someone?!?!?!?! #wth?!



29 “a.k.a. Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences”
95 Theses “a.k.a. Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences” October 31, 1517

30 One Sentence Summary of ea. Paragraph
5. Protestant Reformation a-f. 6. Beyond the Division a-c.

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