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Warm- Up – Primary Source

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1 Warm- Up – Primary Source
1) What is the poet trying to illustrate about America? 2) How might this quote be the opposite of reality? "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!“ - Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus, 1883

2 Immigration in America
Unit 3 Chapter 4 Lesson 1

3 What was the Gilded Age? Period roughly from 1870s until 1900
Coined “Gilded” by Twain Period of great growth / immigration Large issues with poverty

4 Why did European Immigrants come to America?
Multiple reasons (avoid military service, food shortages) Many came for jobs/better jobs in American factories Most ended up in cities lacked $$ to buy land and

5 What is Ellis Island? Island in New York where most immigrants “checked in” After a long journey immigrants had to be inspected before entering America If you were sick you were sent back About 12 million came through Ellis Island ( )

6 Ellis Island Today

7 Graph Analysis – with a partner identify 3 observations from the data


9 Think- Pair- Share: How might immigrants change American Society
Think- Pair- Share: How might immigrants change American Society? Create a chart and think Politically, Socially and Economically

10 What about immigrants from Asia?
Chinese Immigrants came due to famine and poverty. “Angel Island” Settle in western cities Japanese Immigrants would come soon after

11 What is Nativism? Nativism is a fear/hatred of immigrants
Anti-Immigration Groups form Racism = labor tension Literacy Tests Catholics feared

12 What kinds of Anti-immigration Legislation existed?
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 barred Chinese Immigration “Oriental Schools” The Gentlemen’s Agreement – informal to limit Japanese immigration


14 Political Cartoon Analysis Activity
1) Make a list of observations of anything you recognize in the image. 2) What outside information do you know that might apply to this image. 3) Is there any bias? 4) What is your interpretation of the cartoon? What is the artist trying to say?






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