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Network Using your Strengths

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Presentation on theme: "Network Using your Strengths"— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Using your Strengths
Networking Styles Network Using your Strengths

2 What does “ “networking” mean?

3 …what IS networking? …a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest

4 Why networking? “Insider” information
Learn from those inside and outside your industry New ways of looking at things Promote your ideas/work Connections to the hidden job market

5 Purpose of Today’s Class
Utilize the Networking Style Questionnaire to determine your own networking style and become familiar with this assessment Develop networking goals and action steps Figure out how to apply your style/goals/plan to your own career development

6 Ways to Network Career Fairs Volunteer Professional Associations
Meetup group Write a blog Events and panels Asking for resume feedback from a professional LinkedIn (and other social media) Informational Interviews Presenting

7 If you think networking is just about awkwardly starting a conversation with a stranger, think again. What if you could network in accordance with your strengths, in a way that’s most comfortable for you?

8 Networking Styles Assessment
INSTRUCTIONS Next to each statement put the corresponding number response. 9 - Always True 6 - Often True 3 - Occasionally True 1 - Rarely True/Not True On other side of sheet, put the responses for each question in the appropriate boxes. Calculate row totals.

9 4 Networking Styles Executer Influencer Relationship Builder
Strategic Thinker

10 Style 1: Executer You know how to make things happen. When you get an idea, you do what it takes to make it a reality…period. Networking Tips: Launch initiatives or new projects. Organize an event (conference, party, fundraiser). Keep track of all the people you help or network with, and see how you can further help them. Set networking goals and surpass them.

11 Style 2: Influencer You are able to make your ideas heard and reach a broader group of people. Networking Tips Earn trust and loyalty from networking contacts before getting results. Identify influential people in your industry of interest, share ideas with them and get their opinions. Get help from "Relationship-Builders" on how to create and expand your network.  Take charge and create a group; you are able to get past obstacles.

12 Style 3: Relationship Builder
You can be the glue that holds a team together. You have the capability to create effective groups, due to your ability to develop relationships and make collaborations. Networking Tips Seek variety in your networking methods. Look to others for help in establishing long term goals for your networking, so you can focus on establishing relationships. Bring networking contacts together.  Be in charge of welcoming newcomers into a group.

13 Style 4: Strategic Thinker
You are a visionary that can provide the scoop on what could be, and are always thinking about the future. You can provide the inspiration to produce better and newer things and even people. Networking Tips Analyze and comment on other people's ideas and work. Express your thoughts through writing, one on one conversations, group discussions or presentations. Connect with visionaries in your field. Supply the data to back up others' ideas, and bring structure to them.

14 4 Stages of Networking 4 Stages of Networking Rapport Trust
Strengths Based Leadership – Followers’ 4 Basic Needs Trust Compassion Stability Hope 4 Stages of Networking Rapport Trust Consistency Results

15 Developing Your Action Plan

16 Stage 1: Rapport Executer Influencer Relationship - Builder
Strategic Thinker Every day or week put one connection relationship goal on your list of things to do. Appreciate and point out the strengths and accomplishments of yourself and others. Try to establish significant and lasting relationships by finding points of commonality with those you meet. Ask the people you meet about their dreams and future goals

17 Developing Your Action Plan

18 Stage 2: Trust Executer Influencer Relationship - Builder
Strategic Thinker Establish trust by working with your connection on a project or initiative to show your cooperation and work ethic. Show your vulnerability and put your guard down by sharing your own struggles to establish trust. Move beyond your own self-interests when it comes to networking and think of the benefits you could provide to others by connecting them to people, things and ideas. Make your ideas and strategies more concrete via sketches, step-by-step action plans, or mock up models so that others can better comprehend your visionary thinking.

19 Developing Your Action Plan

20 Stage 3: Consistency Executer Influencer Relationship - Builder
Strategic Thinker Make a schedule of when you will touch base with your connections; continue to encourage them in their work initiatives and ask about their progress. Frequently inspire and provide people with the courage or push they need to move forward with their goals. Forge a bridge of understanding and mutual support by exchanging thoughts, feelings, concerns and needs with your connections. Periodically, keep your connections up to date with your latest research, findings or projects.

21 Developing Your Action Plan

22 Stage 4: Results Executer Influencer Relationship - Builder
Strategic Thinker You can help others achieve their plans and dreams by advising them on how they could achieve large tasks in broken down, easier steps. You can draw people to a cause through your inspirational words and talking about the why of an initiative. You can help people/groups to see their shared goals and encourage them to work together to achieve them - inspire them to see that they are part of something bigger. Team up with someone who has action-oriented talents - you can help them make wise, thought-out decisions, and they can help you turn your analysis into action.

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