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Give Thanks Pastor Jon Fulton November 11, 2018 Series: Thanksliving.

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1 Give Thanks Pastor Jon Fulton November 11, 2018 Series: Thanksliving


3 It’s more blessed to give than to receive.
--Acts 20:35 NIV


5 1. Thankful giving is about giving to GOD (not a need)


7 10 Then David praised the Lord in the presence of the whole assembly: “O Lord, the God of our ancestor Israel, may you be praised forever and ever! 11 Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things. 12 Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand, and at your discretion people are made great and given strength. --1 Chronicles 29:10-12 (NLT)


9 2. Thankful giving is about IDENTIFYING what is God’s (not what is ours)


11 13 “O our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name!
14 But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us! 16 “O Lord our God, even this material we have gathered to build a Temple to honor your holy name comes from you! It all belongs to you! --1 Chronicles 29:13-14, 16 (NLT)


13 3. Thankful giving is VIEWING eternity (not what’s temporary)


15 14 Everything we have has come from you, and we give you
only what you first gave us! 15 We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace. --1 Chronicles 29:14-15 (NLT)


17 4. Thankful giving is about INTENT (not amount)


19 I know, my God, that you examine our hearts and rejoice
when you find integrity there. You know I have done all this with good motives, and I have watched your people offer their gifts willingly and joyously. --1 Chronicles 29:17 (NLT)


21 5. Thankful giving is done with NEVER-ENDING eagerness (not compulsion)


23 17 You know I have done all this with good motives, and I have watched your people offer their gifts willingly and joyously. 18 “O Lord, the God of our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, make your people always want to obey you. See to it that their love for you never changes. --1 Chronicles 29:17-18 (NLT)


25 --2 Corinthians 9:7 (TNIV)
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. --2 Corinthians 9:7 (TNIV)


27 6. Thankful giving is about GRACE (not guilt)


29 Give to God, not a need

30 Give to God, not a need Identify everything belongs to God, not you

31 Give to God, not a need Identify everything belongs to God, not you View eternity’s rewards, not earthly ones

32 Give to God, not a need Identify everything belongs to God, not you View eternity’s rewards, not earthly ones Have the right Intent, not the right amount

33 Give to God, not a need Identify everything belongs to God, not you View eternity’s rewards, not earthly ones Have the right Intent, not the right amount Do it with Never-ending eagerness, not compulsion

34 Give to God, not a need Identify everything belongs to God, not you View eternity’s rewards, not earthly ones Have the right Intent, not the right amount Do it with Never-ending eagerness, not compulsion Respond to Grace, not guilt


36 Give Thanks Pastor Jon Fulton November 11, 2018 Series: Thanksliving

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