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Life in Colonial America 1600s

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Presentation on theme: "Life in Colonial America 1600s"— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundation Documents: ▪Magna Carta ▪Mayflower Compact ▪English bill of rights ▪Paine’s Common Sense

2 Life in Colonial America 1600s - 1776

3 We are a new country! Now what?

4 Florida SS.7.C.1.2: Trace the impact that the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, and Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” had on colonists’ views of government. California: Discuss how the principles in the Magna Carta were embodied in such documents as the English Bill of Rights and the American Declaration of Independence. Texas STAAR: : identify the influence of ideas from historic documents, including the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the Mayflower Compact, the Federalist Papers, and selected Anti-Federalist writings, on the U.S. system of government

5 Constitutional Convention

6 The Magna Carta – 1215 A.D. (C.E.)

7 Magna Carta – 1215 A. D.

8 Magna Carta – 1215 A.D. – Trial by Jury

9 Magna Carta: Parliament

10 Magna Carta: Parliament

11 Magna Carta - Taxes

12 Magna Carta Review:

13 Mayflower Compact

14 Mayflower Compact

15 Mayflower Compact – 1620 – Self-Government

16 Mayflower Compact – Rule of Law / Social Contract

17 Mayflower Compact – Rule of Law

18 Mayflower Compact – Social Contract / Consent of the Governed

19 Mayflower Compact – Review

20 English Bill of Rights - 1689

21 English Bill of Rights - 1689

22 English Bill of Rights - 1689

23 English Bill of Rights - Review

24 Thomas Paine – Common Sense

25 Thomas Paine – Common Sense

26 Foundation Documents Review
This document signed by King John in 1215 A.D. limited executive power? The Magna Carta

27 Foundation Documents Review
The Magna Carta stated there would be no punishment without the “lawful judgement of his peers.” What right did this establish? Trial by jury

28 Foundation Documents Review
What concepts can be found in the Magna Carta? Trial by jury, no taxation without consent, limited power, the need for legislatures

29 Foundation Documents Review
This document was signed by the Pilgrims establishing a “body politic”? Mayflower Compact

30 Foundation Documents Review
By signing the Mayflower Compact and agreeing to give power to a governing body, the signers demonstrated these two concepts of democracy? Social Contract / Consent of the Governed

31 Foundation Documents Review
By creating the Mayflower Compact the signers announced that this would be a land governed by the American people. What is this called? Self-Government

32 Foundation Documents Review
What is called when a land is ruled by a system of laws and not a “ruling class”? The Rule of Law

33 Foundation Documents Review
This document signed in 1689 further limited the power of the executive (king) giving powers and rights to other branches and the people? The English Bill of Rights

34 Foundation Documents Review
What are some rights and limits on power found in the English Bill of Rights? Legislative bodies create taxes not executives, right to petition the government (free speech), no cruel and unusual punishment, and others

35 Foundation Documents Review
What U.S. document was inspired by the English Bill of Rights? The U.S. Bill of Rights

36 Foundation Documents Review
This pamphlet and author inspired the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Paine’s Common Sense

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