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Give Me Liberty!.

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Presentation on theme: "Give Me Liberty!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Give Me Liberty!

2 utter Definition: Sentence: (ut’  ǝr) v. to express aloud
“I don’t want to hear you utter a word during this test!” the teacher warned.

3 draft Definition: Sentence:
(draft) n. a rough copy of something written Sentence: English teachers usually require their students to have a rough draft of a paper before writing the final copy.

4 rights Definition: Sentence:
(rīts) n. Plural of right: a just, moral, or lawful claim Sentence: As Americans, we have many more rights than people from other countries.

5 declarations Definition: Sentence:
(dek’  lǝ  rā’  shǝns) n. plural of declaration: a written statement that makes something known Sentence: Our founding fathers made declarations of separation from England.

6 bombarded Definition: Sentence:
(bom  bärd’  ǝd) v. past tense of bombard: to attack with bombs or heavy fire from big guns Sentence: The troops bombarded the hideout of the terrorists.

7 retreat Definition: (ri  trēt’) v. to move back Sentence:
The commander called his soldiers to retreat after seeing what they were up against.

8 debate Definition: Sentence:
(di  bāt’) n. a discussion between two groups that do not agree Sentence: There was a debate between the two presidential candidates.

9 exposing Definition: Sentence:
(ik  spōz’  ing) v. leaving open or without protection Sentence: Her mom removed the bandage, exposing the scraped knee.

10 composition Definition: Sentence:
(kom’  pǝ  zish’  ǝn) n. something put together or created, especially something written Sentence: The musician wrote an amazing new composition.

11 treason Definition: Sentence:
(trē  zǝn) n. the betraying of one’s country by helping the enemy Sentence: Benedict Arnold was hung for treason against the United States.

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