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Learning Objective To be able to:

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1 Learning Objective To be able to: Describe how we classify organisms and link this to evolution Key Words: classification system, ancestor, evolutionary tree

2 Linnaeus and Classification
Thursday, 23 May 2019 Linnaeus and Classification Date and title in books. You need a pen, pencil & ruler. Starter Activity – 5 minutes Exam question

3 (F) Target 1-9 Identify the natural classification system developed by Carl Linnaeus (F/H) Target 4-9 Describe how evolutionary trees are used and what they can tell us (H) Target 5-9 Describe the new classification system Extension: Application of Knowledge Target 8/9 Explain why the classification system has changed Learning Outcomes

4 How is music classified in HMV?

5 Brothers and Sisters?

6 Carl Linnaeus: The natural classification system
The classification system begins with very big groups that include a lot of organisms and then moves down to smaller groups made up of fewer organisms. The biggest groups are called the kingdoms. All living things are classified into five different kingdoms. living things plants animals fungi monera protoctista

7 Breaking down the kingdoms
The kingdoms are then split into a range of differences. For examples, the animal kingdom splits into two, invertebrates and vertebrates. The smallest group is a species. A species are all very similar, with just minor variations between them.


9 Evolutionary Trees Evolutionary trees are used to show us……
Complete the sentence…… Evolutionary trees are used to show us……

10 Learning outcomes Explain how DNA can be used to show ancestry links
Target E/D/C/B/A/A* Label the natural classification system Target C/B/A/A* Describe how evolutionary trees are used and what they can tell us Target B/A/A* Explain how DNA can be used to show ancestry links

11 Humans and Chimpanzees
Look at the images What can you deduce about the human and the chimpanzee? Explain how DNA can show us ancestry links

12 Developing the System As evidence of internal structures has become more developed due to improvements in microscopes, and the understanding of biochemical processes has progressed, new models of classification were proposed. Carl Woese produced a “three domain” system.

13 Three Domain System On this system organisms are divided into:
Archaea (primitive bacteria usually living in extreme environments) Bacteria (true bacteria) Eukaryota (which includes protists, fungi, plants and animals).

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