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Scientific Journal Project

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1 Scientific Journal Project

2 Task 1 Look at your 24 questions. Highlight the top 6 questions that you think are your best!

3 Task 2: Categories Behavior & Health: Study of human communities and health of humans (dentistry, pharm, nutrition, sanitation) Biochemistry: study of life processes- genetics, photosynthesis, food chemistry, hormones. Chemistry: study of nature and composition of matter- materials, fuels, plastics, pesticides Earth & Space: Geology, astronomy, geography, oceanography, climatology Engineering: projects that directly apply sci principles to manufacturing and practice use Environmental: Study of pollution (air, water, land) sources and their control

4 Task 2: Webs You will add your 6 questions to the category poster. Try to write similar question in the same area to create a web. What chemicals are released when you’re dreaming? How much sleep is needed per night? How does dinner time affect the ability to fall asleep? How long until you forget dreams when you wake up?

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