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Period 2, 5, & 6 We will examine the arrival of immigrants to the United States. Chapter 7.1 Notes Ellis Island Online.

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Presentation on theme: "Period 2, 5, & 6 We will examine the arrival of immigrants to the United States. Chapter 7.1 Notes Ellis Island Online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Period 2, 5, & 6 We will examine the arrival of immigrants to the United States. Chapter 7.1 Notes Ellis Island Online

2 Chapter 7 Section 1 Through the Golden Door
Between 1870 – 1920, 20 million Europeans arrived in America Prior to 1890 – Northern and Western Europe After 1890 – Southern and Eastern Europe Immigrants came for work, religious freedom or because they were driven out of their country


4 Life in the New Land Atlantic journey took 1 week Pacific journey took 3 weeks Europeans arrived at Ellis Island 20 Percent of immigrants were detained 2 percent were denied entry into America Process included a physical exam, legal exam, and a monetary requirement




8 2. Have you ever been to the America before?
Full List of Legal Questions 1.What is your name? 2. Have you ever been to the America before? 3. Do you have any relatives here? If the answer was yes, then asked where they lived. 4. Is there anyone who came to meet you at Ellis Island? 5. Who paid for your passage? 6. Do you have any money? ( If the answer was yes then immigrant was told: Let me see it.) 7. Do you have a job waiting for you in America? 8. Do you have a criminal record?

9 Chinese immigrants came to work on the railroad and due to the gold rush
Congress limited Chinese immigration in with the Chinese Exclusion Act


11 Angel Island Chinese immigrants faced a much tougher process to gain citizenship. Immigrants were detained longer and subjected to harsher questioning.


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