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A winner of the Newberry Medal

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1 A winner of the Newberry Medal
Out of the Dust A winner of the Newberry Medal By karen hesse

2 Jaguar Jumpstart See Handout

3 Yesterday… We began discussing and working on a research project related to the Dust Bowl. . Our goal is for each of us to publish an online newspaper article, with news stories, links, and pictures, by the end of the week. . This is called an interactive news article.

4 Yesterday… We learned the four methods of elaboration:
. Descriptive Details = lots of words of phrases to describe 2. Examples = actual times that something happened . 3. Statistics = numbers, figures, charts, measurements 4. Anecdotes = details in the form of stories

5 Today… We begin the research project! Our plan is:
. We begin the research project! Our plan is: Tuesday: Choose a question to answer. Look at the provided sources (websites). Create your bibliography. Wednesday: Write the news article (in Word). Thursday: Create the actual news page. Friday: Edit, finalize, and submit the news page.

6 Let’s Begin… Choose one of these questions as your research topic: . What were the causes of the Dust Bowl, and what efforts have been made to prevent similar disasters? (science emphasis) . .What was daily life like in the Dust Bowl area during the 1930s? (history emphasis)

7 Let’s Begin… You may use these links to do your research:
. You may use these links to do your research: .. . . . . ​(investigate links under “Farming in the 1930s” in the left­hand navigation panel) . . . .

8 Let’s Begin… . Take notes on the research notes handout: ..

9 Let’s Begin… . Keep track of your sources so that you can “cite” (list) them properly in your bibliography.: ..

10 ..

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