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Draw a DNA molecule made from the 4 different nucleotides

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1 Draw a DNA molecule made from the 4 different nucleotides
Draw a DNA molecule made from the 4 different nucleotides. Label each of the following one time: Hydrogen Bond Deoxyribose Phosphate Adenine Thymine Cytosine Nucleotide Guanine

2 Objective 4.1 ID the structure and function of DNA on a molecular level.

3 DNA Rap

4 DNA Structure/Function

5 REVIEW… NUCLEIC ACIDS!!! DNA 4 classes of macromolecules Carbohydrates
Lipids Proteins NUCLEIC ACIDS!!! Building blocks are NUCLEOTIDES DNA

6 I. DNA DNA – deoxyriboNUCLEIC ACID Very long thin molecule made
up of linked nucleotides C. Double stranded helix Twisted ladder D. A code for EVERY LIVING ORGANISM. Essential for the genetic code.

7 II. Nucleotide Structure
3 parts A. Sugar (deoxyribose) B. Phosphate (P with oxygens attached) C. Nitrogen base Adenine (A) Guanine (G) Thymine (T) Cytosine (C)

8 (2 rings) (1 Ring) A’s are Golden!

9 III. How Nucleotides fit together
Sides of ladder – alternating sugars and phosphates Antiparallel=orientation of the 2 strands is opposite. Ex. 5’ to 3’ 3’ to 5’ B. Steps of the ladder – connect to the sugar The “steps” connect to these!

10 I. Nitrogen Base Pairing Complementary (You Complete Me)
Adenine Thymine 4-eva Guanine Cytosine



13 Nitrogen Base Pairing-held together by Hydrogen bonds
Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine Thymine Adenine Adenine Thymine Guanine Cytosine

14 Nitrogen Base Pairing Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine Thymine Adenine
Guanine Cytosine

15 Chargaff’s Rule The # of A’s = The # of T’s
The # of G’s = The # of C’s

16 Critical Thinking! If 18% of the DNA molecule is comprised of Adenine.
What % do we have of Thymine, Cytosine & Guanine?

17 C. Describe the Double Helix shape:
Twisted ladder composed of N bases that make up the steps connected by H bonds. Sides are alternating sugars and phosphates.

18 DNA storage A. DNA packaging: DNA is wrapped tightly around histones and coils up like a spring into an X shaped chromosome. B. Genome: 46 chromosomes, which code for over 30,000 (# varies with the source) genes, are found in the nucleus of all human somatic (body) cells, which contain identical copies of all the genes for that organism.

19 What is replication? A. The process in which DNA is duplicated

20 Why does DNA need to be replicated?

21 Why does DNA need to be replicated?
B. In order to prepare for cell division (by mitosis or meiosis) – that way, there is a copy for each new cell

22 C. S phase, of interhphase
When? C. S phase, of interhphase

23 When does DNA get replicated?
(write to the left side) Make Connections! Cell division and DNA replication Cell division GRR… Growth, Repair, Replacement When does DNA get replicated?


25 D. Steps DNA molecules unzips Enzyme= helicase “unzipper” Product/How: DNA is separated

26 DNA replication Step 2

27 DNA replication 2. Complementary Base Pairing A-T C-G Enzyme= DNA Polymerase “matchmaker” & “proofreader” Product/How: matches the complementary bases to the original single strands of DNA

28 DNA replication 3. Molecule is proofread for accuracy Enzyme= Ligase “glue” Product/How: Ligase proofreads the complementary bases and “glues” them together.

29 And the result is… E. Two identical DNA molecules have been created.
Semi-conservative= one of the original strands and one new strand.


31 FYI E. Coli- (small bacteria) Human DNA 4,639,221 base pairs
3 billion base pairs!


33 DNA Replication Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
Prokaryotes Both Eukaryotes DNA is in the cytoplasm less DNA Circular/loose DNA Replication begins at a single point Have DNA Enzymes DNA in the nucleus more DNA line or X shaped chromosomes Replication begins at hundreds of points

34 Importance of Accuracy
Why is it soooooo important that your DNA replicates with extreme accuracy?

35 G. Errors-Mutations Sickle Cell Anemia- a point mutation
Mutations result when the DNA polymerase makes a mistake, which happens about once every 100,000,000 bases.

36 Animation! DNA Workshop!

37 Questions for your notes
Name the building block of DNA Draw one building block and label its 3 parts Describe the structure of DNA (what makes up the sides and steps?), including the rules for base pairing + one of your own on structure

38 Questions for your notes
List the steps of DNA Replication Why do cells need to replicate their DNA? + one of your own on replication + 2 sentence summary (how and why)

39 Practice! Show the steps of replication for this strand of DNA A T C G

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