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Preparing to interpret during the separation of Canada and Quebec

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1 Preparing to interpret during the separation of Canada and Quebec
Sarah Caudill December 2014

2 Background reading Overview of shared history
Previous Quebec referendums 1980 (40% for), 1995 (49% for) 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Arguments for and against Previous negotiations and treaties 11 Treaties with First Nation peoples Other countries (e.g. Texas-US)

3 Current views Quebec Canada World Radio, TV, newspaper articles
Friends and family in Montreal Canada World France “Vive le Québec libre!” UK Future relationship US, Mexico NAFTA, worker exchanges

4 People Negotiators on both sides Me
Bios: styles, previous negotiations, views, aggressiveness Parti Québécois (1968) Quebec Charter of Values (2013 bill) Me Personal biases Bias against me

5 Language Quebec dialect Glossary Negotiator language
Nuances of terms Negotiator language Quebec: French only Canada: English (and French) Future of English in Quebec, French in Canada

6 Questions?

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