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The French and Indian War

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1 The French and Indian War
Chapter 7 – Lesson 3 P

2 Conflicts Over Land Population of the colonies grew quickly
Settlers began to move west because of crowding Native Americans were already on this land and resisted settlers Wampanoag, Metacom, led N.A. into battle against English settlers

3 Settling in the West Early 1700s, coastal land was too $$$
Settler movement to backcountry, along the Appalachians Mid 1700s, Ohio River Valley was being settled by Frenchmen Called New France

4 The Ohio River Valley Claimed for France by Robert La Salle
French built forts on the Ohio River to protect region England claimed Ohio River Valley too! George Washington relayed a British message to the French telling them to leave! The French said, “NO WAY!”

5 General Washington 1754- Washington & 150 soldiers marched to Allegheny & Monongahela Rivers to build a fort The French beat them to the punch – Fort Duquesne (do KAYN) Washington decided to capture the fort

6 The War Begins Washington and company attacked French soldiers standing guard at the Fort. British won French retaliated by attacking Fort Necessity in British surrendered Called the French and Indian war, because the British fought against the French and their Indian allies.

7 Will Anyone Help Us The British tried to gain Indian allies
The Iroquois League did not want to join the fight, because the land originally belonged to them!

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