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Cavaliers Roundheads Commonwealth Restoration Amendment Estate

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Presentation on theme: "Cavaliers Roundheads Commonwealth Restoration Amendment Estate"— Presentation transcript:

1 English Civil War, American Revolution, French Revolution, & Napoleon Vocabulary
Cavaliers Roundheads Commonwealth Restoration Amendment Estate Domestic Constitution 9. Bourgeoisie 10. Sans-culottes Coup d’etat Nationalism Principle of Intervention Liberalism Caudillo Revolution

2 Look at the image below. Choose at least 3 vocab words that you think represent this image. Now, choose the one word that you think best represents the image. Choose one that you think does NOT represent the image.

3 Look at the images below.
Choose at least 3 vocab words that you think represent these images. Now, choose the one word that you think best represents the images. Choose one that you think does NOT represents the images.

4 Look at the image below. Choose at least 4 vocab words that you think represent this image. Now, choose the one word that you think best represents the image. Choose one that you think does NOT represent the image.

5 Look at all of these images.
Which vocab word do you think BEST fits with all of these images?

6 Quiz The unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols. Political philosophy based on Enlightenment principles…people should be as free as possible from government restraint and civil liberties should be protected. A sudden overthrow of the government. One of the 3 classes into which French society was divided before the revolution. A sudden, radical, or complete change; an overthrow of government

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