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The Johnson Times FSA vocabulary week Week of March 4th Non fiction

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1 The Johnson Times FSA vocabulary week Week of March 4th Non fiction
Details Verb Multiple meaning Setting Milliliter (M.L) Difference Quotient Standard form compare Game Plan: Specials Monday- Spanish Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- art Thursday- chess Friday- music Notes from the teacher please have your child complete 45 minutes of both math and reading each week. I will be counting the 45 minutes for each subject as a class work grade. Monday 2/4- looking back in time field trip to Riverbend Park- students will receive a shirt to wear. STUDENTS NEED TO BE STUDYING THEIR MULTIPLICATION FACTS EVERY NIGHT . jnsjk Math Language Arts Social Studies Science Comparing fractions Assessments- fsq 3/8 Reading Skills: - Test sophistication passages. Reviewing test strategies. Comparing two texts Assessments- 3/8- Interim assessment- test- (like a cold read ) 3/8- vocabulary quiz review 5 regions and all of the states in them Government and economics Buyers Sellers Government Community Rules Laws currency

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