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The latest News: Welcome back ! Reading/Language:

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1 The latest News: Welcome back ! Reading/Language:
Students will be learning computer skills that they will need throughout the school year. They will also be learning about classmates and policies and procedures that make students successful in 5th grade. Math: Students will be playing math games related to place value. Students will be working on math skills as well as how to cooperate in small groups. 8/17/2017

2 A.R. reading log: A R read and fill out your reading log daily ***AR Reading on a nightly basis to achieve reading goal. PARENTS please feel free to read with your children nightly *** Science/Social Studies Notes will be given every Monday and the quiz will happen on Friday. Our first area of exploration will be ecosystems.

3 The best way to help your child prepare for the quiz on Friday is to use the study guide embedded in the power point. ALSO… the last card in the power point is full of computer resources to help you and your child learn concepts for the quiz RETAKE POLICY : A retake quiz is available every Monday for anyone who wants to increase their last Friday quiz score. Simply bring in the old quiz with a parent signature. I will give the better of the two quiz scores…not the average. SO… please encourage your children to reach for the sky! .

4 Student schedule room 5th grade Room 105
(Bell work-Writing prompts/AR reading everyday 8:55-9:15) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:15-10:00 Word study/NEWSLEA ELA Class meeting ELA 10:00-!0:40 Special 10:10-12:20 *book exchange 11:05 Levkulich 11:20 Vidra 12:20 - 1:00 . Lunch 1:00-2:00  MATH   MATH Math 2:00-3:00  Science/S.S  Science/S.S. 3:05-3:30 Pack up for home and dismissal

5 Intramurals information and September dates will be posted next week: Permission slip is found on last card

6 Intramurals continues to thrive and grow
Intramurals continues to thrive and grow! Last year over 30 fifth graders were running around and having a blast! Thank you to all the parents who signed the yearly permission slip and who pick up their children at the conclusion of the event. Your promptness was outstanding!

7 Yearly permission slip for intramurals… (provided for those who did not sign it yet)
My child ________________________________ has permission to attend the intramural program at Sterling Morton Elementary for the school year. They will be sent with tennis shoes and a smile. I realize that it is my responsibility to arrange for my child’s way home at the conclusion on the activity. ________________________ (parent signature) ________________________(date) Please indicate how your child will be going home from the Intramural activity ______ 1. They will walk home since they come to school daily as “walkers” ______ 2. They will be picked up promptly at 4:30 by a family member ______ 3. They will be picked up promptly at 4:30 by an adult who we have made a car pool arrangement with. *Please note that that responsibility for transportation home from the event is completely a parental responsibility.

8 SNOW DAY ASSIGNMENTS… If we have a snow day, students will find everything they need on our website by following these simple directions. Go to the homework page An Achieve 3000 article will be assigned with a thought question. This will be the reading and writing instruction for the day. Math practice will be a ZEAL or FRONT ROW activity A Science or Social Studies assignment will be given with complete directions. Please know that these assignments and the knowledge learned from the activity will be graded or tested during the nine week grading period

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