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Ola High School 11/12/16 Ola High School Data Team

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Presentation on theme: "Ola High School 11/12/16 Ola High School Data Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ola High School 11/12/16 Ola High School Data Team
Data Overview Ola High School 11/12/16 Ola High School Data Team

2 Presentation Purpose This data overview is to inform the Data Team of Ola High School on our strengths, as well as our weaknesses, in order to be able to: Celebrate our achievements Identify areas of improvement Begin data driven discussions within our departments Provide examples of best practices for potential implementation

3 Ola High School Enrollment
1561 1551 Ola High’s enrollment has stayed steady the past 3 years. This year’s current enrollment is at 1596, higher than any of the past three years.

4 Percent of the Student Population by Gender
The ratio of males and females has remained constant the past three years at approximately 49% male and 51% female.

5 Percentage of Non-White to White Students in the past 3 years.
Percentages of white to non-white students as remained steady in the past 3 years.

6 Percentages of Students participating in Free/Reduced Lunch Program
The percentage of students participating in the Free/Reduced Lunch program has increased only slightly in the past 3 years.

7 Percentage of Students served through Special Education
There is an increase in the percentage of students being served in our special education programs.

8 Ola High School’s Graduation Rate
Something to celebrate: Ola High’s graduation rate has increased each year for the past three years!

9 What have you noticed thus far about the data?

10 Ola High School 2015-2016 Georgia Milestone Results by Percentage

11 Ola High School 2015-2016 Georgia Milestone Results by Percentage

12 Ola High School 2015-2016 Georgia Milestone Results by Percentage

13 Ola High School 2015-2016 Georgia Milestone Results by Percentage

14 Ola High School 2015-2016 Georgia Milestone Results by Percentage

15 Ola High School 2015-2016 Georgia Milestone Results by Percentage

16 Ola High School 2015-2016 Georgia Milestone Results by Percentage

17 Ola High School 2015-2016 Georgia Milestone Results by Percentage

18 Percentage of Students Proficient or Higher by Ethnicity

19 What areas of strengths do you see? What areas of weaknesses do you see?

20 Accomplishments Graduation Rate has increased over the past three years % proficient or above on the GA Milestone that is higher than the district AND state in: Biology US History Economics Coordinate Algebra Analytic Geometry 9th Grade Literature 11th Grade Literature

21 Areas of opportunity Closing the ethnicity gap on standardized tests
Improving Physical Science scores

22 10 mins: Within your groups, discuss ideas on how to improve our areas of accomplishments and opportunities. Write your top 3 on the sticky notes provided and place them on the appropriate poster.

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