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By: Tomas Amaya , Luis Fernando , Isabella.P

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1 By: Tomas Amaya , Luis Fernando , Isabella.P
Wind Power By: Tomas Amaya , Luis Fernando , Isabella.P

2 1.How available is it? Well, wind energy is a little expensive, so many people don’t like this process because of the money, especially when there are many other options that are cheaper and the people does not have many resources.

3 2.Process of Wind Energy The wind will blow and then the movement will create energy, it works with turbines, the wind will generate the turbines to move, transporting the energy up to the houses, this works basically with the movement, creating energy.

4 3.Pros of using wind power
If it is a wind day there is a lot of power Wind power does not pollute at all Does not produce greenhouse gases Has created jobs for many local people It is one of the cheapest energy source today

5 3.Cons of using wind power
It is not available all the time (for example, if it is raining or snowing, the speed of the wind energy decrease. So, we couldn’t use wind at times like that) Installation and manufacturing require substantial investment Wind farms are usually locating in rural areas that might be otherwise picturesque. They are considered by some people to be an eyesore.

6 4.Is it economically feasible?
Kind of, is a little expensive to get the equipment and keep the stuff clean, a secure state and no risks, but once you have managed to pay for that, the wind comes free.

7 5.Is it sustainable? Yes, wind will keep on blowing, so wind energy will always be there, you can’t stop the wind from blowing, so yeah, it is sustainable. It is something you can keep and sustain, so the answer is yes.

8 References: 1. I knew 2. wind-turbines-work c03e237a8?source=search 4. I knew

9 Reference: 5. wind-turbines-work

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