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Presentation to Portfolio Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Portfolio Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee
4th quarter 2017/18 & 1st quarter 2018/19 Statistician-General (Risenga Maluleke)

2 Content 4th Quarter organisational and financial performance
Achievements per strategic outcome 1st Quarter organisational and financial performance Achievements per strategic outcome Risks Key priorities looking ahead 2

3 Organisational performance Q4 final: 2017/18
79% 88% 3

4 Financial performance Q4: 2017/18

5 Expand the statistical information base
Key achievements against strategic outcomes in Q4 Informing a nation Expand the statistical information base Published 64 statistical releases and reports on the economy and society in the 4th quarter Delays due to human resource constraints Thematic and statistical research reports include: Indicators for the services sector for the GDPe Research report on Volunteer Activities Thematic report on the environment Thematic report on subjective poverty Thematic report on men, women and children Living arrangements of persons with disabilities Thematic report on adolescent and grandparenthood Thematic report on early childhood development Integrative research report on service delivery at local munic level 5

6 Key achievements against strategic outcomes in Q4
Innovate the statistics value chain for better efficiency Trusted statistics Deliver better, faster and cheaper From PAPI to CAPI Alternative data collection methodology research conducted for CPI PAPI to CAPI for householder surveys: Q4 final training and preparations. Going ‘live’ is scheduled for April 2018 Continuous population survey testing commenced (integration of methodologies and content) Increase use of statistics Use of statistics About visitor sessions to the website About downloads for the 4th quarter Media training for accurate reporting 6

7 Key achievements against strategic outcomes in Q4
Lead development and coordination of the national statistics system Partners in statistics Statistical production – national effort coordinated Data sharing agreements with the Depts of Social Development, Telecommunications and Postal services Data repository of SDG indicators piloted Statistical support to Dept of Tourism for NTIMS (National Tourism Information and Monitoring system) Strengthen international collaboration and partnerships Statistical support and collaboration : Stats SA hosts BRICS meeting for NSO’s SADC countries start the journey to official measures of house prices – Stats SA hosts training of SADC countries 7

8 Key achievements against strategic outcomes in Q4
A capable organisation Drive legislation reform Review of the Statistics Act (6 of 1999) Review of the Act concluded Commenced with the Amendments to the Act Enhance corporate governance & administration Strategic management Midterm strategy review and reprioritisation process conducted Tabled 4th Work Programme & new Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) Reviewed and assessed the impact of CAPI on the Statistics Value Chain & Service Delivery Model 8

9 Expenditure 2017/18 R 39 million R 57 million R18 million
Goods & Services (saving) R 39 million Compensation of Employees (overspent) R 57 million Benchmarking: Canada, Total (overspent – 101%) R18 million Note: Further elaboration will be provided in Annual report presentation 9

10 Quarterly reporting 1st quarter 2018/19

11 Organisational scorecard: Q1 Against annual work programme targets
18% 80% 2% Achieved On track Delayed 41% 1,2% 22% Women in SMS Staff with disability Expenditure 11

12 Organisational performance: Q1 Progress against Q1 targets
95% 5% Delayed Achieved 12

13 Organisational scorecard: Q1
Filled posts per race group as at 30 June 2018 Filled posts per gender as at 30 June 2018 Vacancy rate: 15% 13

14 Financial performance: Q1
2 3 4 5 6 7 S 14

15 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q1
Informing a nation Expand the statistical information base Published 74 statistical releases and reports on the economy and society Conducted 2nd KZN Customer Satisfaction Survey (using digital data collection methodology) Stats SA and Department of Agriculture signed MoU to conduct the Census of Commercial Agriculture (CoCA) Data collection is scheduled to commence in September 2018 Stakeholder consultations conducted across the country 15

16 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q1
Trusted statistics Innovate the statistics value chain for better efficiency Increase use of statistics CAPI has gone live for first household survey in April 2018 About visitor sessions About downloads Establishing relations with Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) to increase use of official statistics C 16

17 Increasing use Public Organs of State Active Citizenry
Media (print and social) Website Stats SA: Statistical products & services offerings: Website Print & Digital products Outreach: Articles: 2715 Audience reach: 1 billion Advertising value: R126 m Social media Facebook likes: Twitter followers: Capacity development Media training User support Target audience Linking products and services to the needs Policy development & implementation Government institutions Cabinet Parliament Organs of State Other organisations Planning, Forecasting & Decision-making Business Academia International agencies 17

18 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q1 Partners in statistics
Lead the development and coordination of the NSS Strengthen international collaboration and partnership Consultative meetings held on report writing for SDG country report Statistical support to Planning commission in North West Statistical support and training in the use of statistics to COGTA in Gauteng Hosted 25th SADC Statistics Committee ‘Support regional integration by making available relevant and accurate statistical information to be used in SADC policy, planning, protocol monitoring and decision-making’ Conducted African peer review of NSOs (Mauritius, Namibia) C 18

19 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q1 A capable organisation
Drive legislative reform Enhance corporate governance and administration Draft Bill on legislative changes is on track to be submitted to Parliament Published annual report on the Service Delivery Improvement programme No appointments made during Q1: vacancy rate increased to 15% Commenced with strategic alignment process (strategy, budget & structure) C 19

20 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q1 Statistical leadership
Invest in statistical leadership and management Building a united and diverse organisation Stats SA hosts career guidance workshop for Grade 12 learners and teachers Hosted interactive Maths4Stats workshop for primary school learners Hosted a National youth day workshop in Limpopo on ‘Exploring socioeconomic traits of youth, circumstances and challenges’ Commenced with strategic conversation on Transformation and Change C 20

21 Home slide – do not delete this text box.
Transformation & change Stakeholders Statistical products Systems & processes Technology 1 2 3 $ 4 Business side Human side 8 7 Skills Style Structure Shared values 6 5 21

22 Stats SA @ risk 1 4 2 3 DEMAND BUDGET SUPPLY PEOPLE 1 2 4 3
Increasing demand for statistical information National Continental Global Other DEMAND 1 Severe budget cuts Warm bodies not affordable IES/LCS not funded Poverty estimates impacted CPI basket BUDGET 2 4 2 3 Basic statistics at risk – declining quality over time Discontinued integrative statistical products (value-add) & environmental accounts products SUPPLY 4 15% vacancy rate 33 staff left in Q1 Total of 207 left since October 2016 Staff over-stretched – may be exposed to errors PEOPLE 3 22

23 Strategic priorities: 18/19
Finalise legislative reform 2 Maintain the quality of basic statistics 3 Roll-out the Integrated Indicator Framework 4 Integrate, innovate & modernise our business processes 5 Restructure and rationalise (redeployment & reskilling) 6 Coordinate, partnerships & designate statistics as official 7 Census 2021 23

24 “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear… Change affect all of us differently, none of us are left untouched. In the midst of change there are those that loath, fear and fight it and then there are those that see change as an opportunity to innovate. We realise that … change is also the opportune time for all to work together for the betterment of our nation” sdfd Nelson Mandela

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