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Wednesday 5th September

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1 Wednesday 5th September
Observation: Amy, Lacey, Emily, Seth and Angel sat at a table writing and drawing. Amy asked how to spell my name and I told her each letter. She wrote it down and Lacey watched. Then Amy started singing the Alphabet song quietly. Lacey, Seth and Emily joined in. Amy asked me to write the letters first so they could see what they looked like. I did and all the girls began writing the alphabet as they sang the song. Amy sang the song to check that she had written the letters in the correct order pointing to each one as she went. They wrote the whole alphabet and then their names. The girls were really proud of their writing and were excited to show their parents when they arrived to collect them. Linking to the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework: Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity This is evident, for example, when children: • are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world Children become aware of fairness. This is evident, for example, when children: are empowered to make choices and problem solve to meet their needs Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes This is evident , for example when children: engage in reciprocal interactions and respond contribute their ideas and experiences in play Interact with others to explore ideas and share understandings “Now I know my ABC’s! Teacher’s Voice The girls showed great concentration as they wrote the letters of the alphabet and checked their work by singing the song and then with me. They were really proud to show their parents showing that they value their own work and efforts. Children’s interest in this area is growing as they are getting closer to attending formal school. What’s next? Extend children’s interest with providing some letter matching games, encourage further opportunities for writing with some examples of the alphabet.

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