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2-3 Other Measures of Business Activity

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1 2-3 Other Measures of Business Activity

2 Goals Discuss investment activities that promote economic growth.
Explain borrowing activities by government, business, and consumers. Describe future concerns of economic growth.

3 Investment Activities
Capital Spending – refers to the money spent by a business for an item that will be used over a long period. Capital Projects – involved spending by businesses for items such as land, buildings, equipment, and new products The money for capital projects comes from 3 sources: Personal savings, stock investments and bonds

4 Personal Savings A major source of investment funds It’s the money you deposit in a bank You receive interest Savings rate for the country is an important factor for economic growth It is, unfortunately, decreasing! Below 5%

5 The Stock Market Invest by becoming a part owner of a corporation
Stock represents ownership or equity Value of stock affected by: Supply and demand Earnings of the company

6 The Bond Market A Bond represents debt for a company/government
If you purchase a bond you are a creditor (you have lent $ to the company or govt. In return, you get interest

7 Borrowing Government Debt The government uses borrowing to finance projects such as new schools or highways. Budget Surplus – a government may spend less than it takes in. Budget deficit – a government may spend more than it takes in. National debt – the total amount owed by the federal government.

8 Debt Business Debt Loans, bonds, and mortgages are common borrowing methods businesses use. Debt can positively help a business or negatively. Consumer Debt The use of credit cards can cause debt and trouble for individuals. (

9 Future Economic Challenges
The ability for an economy to produce output determines its growth. The U.S government strives to develop solutions to problems and new technologies.

10 Key Terms Capital project Stock Bond Budget Surplus Budget Deficit
National Debt

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