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Warm-Up Write a paragraph describing three effects that World War I had on the American home front. Think about economic and social changes caused by.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Write a paragraph describing three effects that World War I had on the American home front. Think about economic and social changes caused by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up Write a paragraph describing three effects that World War I had on the American home front. Think about economic and social changes caused by the war. Be sure to include at least one example of each effect to support your statements.

2 The end of World war i

3 Recap: the war on the “Home front”
Mobilization/ building an army: Selective Service Act (1917) – draft Financing the war: War Industries Board (WIB) w/ Bernard Baruch; Food Admin (Hoover) Public opinion: Committee on Public Information (CPI) w/ George Creel Dissent: Espionage Act (1917)- can’t print treason/ interfere w/ draft; Sedition Act (1918)- limit freedom of speech during war Schenck v. US (1919)- SCOTUS rules public order >> freedom of speech

4 Anti-Immigrant Hysteria: discrimination v. Germans & culture
Women & War: worked for 1st time; Army Corps of Nurses; 19th Amend- 1920 African Americans & War: enlisted; segregated units; Great Migration S  N

5 Allied situation Problem: G’s submarine warfare sinking merchant ships (supplies) Solution: convoy system  grps of merchants sail together, protect w/ warships Spring 1918: Russia leaves war (Russian Rev – Lenin – Bolsheviks)  G: more troops to W. Front

6 American Troops Join the Fight
Led by General John J. Pershing US troops arrive in real #s, spring 1918 US troops= American Expeditionary Force (AEF)  AKA “doughboys” Mostly segregated

7 The fighting Ends G’s attack stalls ~ Mar. 1918
Kaiser Wilhelm I (G) abdicates Nov 11, am) : G signs armistice w/ Allies Bloodiest war in history up til then ~9-11 mil. military deaths, 7 mil. civilians The total number of deaths includes about 11 million military personnel and about 7 million civilians. Allies lost about 6 million military personnel Central Powers lost about 4 million. At least 2 million died from diseases and 6 million went missing, presumed dead.


9 Ending the war Wilson’s plan for peace: Fourteen Points
Wanted “peace without victory” Main Ideas Open diplomacy (no secret treaties) Self-determination End of colonialism Free trade, free seas, arms reductions League of Nations to guarantee independence, integrity

10 Paris Peace conference
Versailles, France; 1919 Not there: Russ, Germ, etc. Big Four: David Lloyd-George (GB) Georges Clemenceau (Fr) Vittorio Orlando (It) Wilson (USA) Allies blamed G & demanded reparations/ a weaker Germ.

11 Treaty of Versailles simulation

12 Major weaknesses of treaty
Humiliated G (war guilt, reparations, loss of land/army/etc) Russia ignored Self-determination??? USA doesn’t join LoN

13 Us debate over treaty & league of nations
Must be ratified by Senate “Irreconcilables”  isolationist  no LoN at ALL “Reservationists”  wanted changes w/ treaty (too vague, etc.) Henry Cabot Lodge Wilson speaks across country to promote W not willing to compromise; treaty not signed, USA does NOT join LoN The problem was not that most of the Senate was isolationist. Except for the reconcilables, most senators wanted the US to participate in world affair. They differed slightly on what form that participation would take. However, at a moment that demanded compromise, Wilson and his opponents refused to put aside personal & political differences for the good of the country. Tragedy of the failed votes  w/o full American support, LoN unable to maintain peace among nations US signs separate peace treaty with German in 1921, never join League of Nations



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