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Do Now: Write the rule for determining whether you need to use past or imperfect based on what you know so far.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Write the rule for determining whether you need to use past or imperfect based on what you know so far."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Write the rule for determining whether you need to use past or imperfect based on what you know so far.

2 Day 1 L’imparfait Usage

3 Objective Students will be able to form the imperfect tense of regular and irregular verbs in order to describe a vacation. Students will be able to differentiate between the uses of the imperfect and past tense and explain how to do so.

4 the imperfect/ Passe compose Formation

5 Imperfect formation - find the nous form ONLY IRREGULAR:
Chop of the ons être - ÉT endings: ais ions ais iez ait aient

6 Passé Composé Aux + P.P. (er-é, ir-i, re-u) être avoir suis ai es as
est a sommes avons êtes avez sont ont

7 How do you use it? ( this is new)
The imperfect and the passe compose mean basically the same thing.

8 The imperfect This is used for : Day 1: background information
Day 2: Emotions/ Was

9 Background information
When you are talking about something that is not the main action happening, you need to use the imperfect. These verbs will always fit this category: être: to be porter: to wear

10 Emotions Any time you express how you felt about something, you are using the imperfect and never the P.C. Verbs that will always do this: Sentir aimer

11 WAS This is the use that people have the most difficulty with.
« How do I say ‘was?’ «  ‘Was’ ALWAYS translates to the imperfect tense.

12 However, WAS can be translated two ways in the imperfect.
Question: Do you have a description? If you are describing someone, you will use etre in the imperfect. If you are saying what someone was doing, you will conjugate the verb you are using in the imperfect.

13 Was examples I was happy I’m describing myself, so I’ll use etre
J’etais content We were studying. I am no longer describing myself, so I use the verb to study in the imperfect J’etudiais

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