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Business, Competition, and Labor

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1 Business, Competition, and Labor

2 Types of Businesses Sole Proprietorship
Owned/ operated by single person A: quick decisions D: complete legal responsibility (unlimited liability); hard to raise $ needed (financial capital)

3 Partnership 2+ people own/ operate
A: raise more $; each person’s special talents D: unlimited liability; complex legal structure

4 Corporation Organized business, recognized by law
Many rights/ responsibilities of individual

5 Largest corporation: Wal-Mart!
Structure Create corporation with charter Owners (stockholders) elect board of directors Largest corporation: Wal-Mart!

6 D: expensive, complicated; more gov’t regulation; pay tax on profits
A: easier to get $ (sell stock); can grow a lot; board can hire professional managers; ownership easily transferred (selling stock); limited liability D: expensive, complicated; more gov’t regulation; pay tax on profits

7 Businesses’ Responsibilities
Responsibilities to Consumers Sell safe products Products work as promised Truthful advertising Responsibilities to Owners Corporations: manager + owner are different people Transparency: make financial info public/ available

8 Responsibilities to Employees
No discrimination Meet needs Responsibilities to the Community Social responsibility – benefit society (charity?)

9 American Labor Force

10 Organized Labor Labor unions: groups of workers who band together to have better chance to get higher pay/ better working conditions Local Unions: within factory/ company/ geographic area National Unions (AFL-CIO)

11 Negotiations Collective bargaining: union + company negotiate
Mediation: bring in 3rd party to help them compromise Arbitration: bring in 3rd party, who makes legal binding decision Strikes; boycott; lockout; injunction to stop strikes/ picketing

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