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Do Now: Finish the P.C. and Imp section of your packet

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Finish the P.C. and Imp section of your packet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Finish the P.C. and Imp section of your packet

2 Imperfect Subjunctive

3 Step one: The imperfect subjunctive combines the usage of the imperfect with the usage of the subjunctive.

4 How do form and use the imperfect?

5 Imperfect formation - find the nous form ONLY IRREGULAR:
Chop of the ons être - ÉT endings: ais ions ais iez ait aient

6 When is it used? Used to Emotions Background information
Progressive actions ‘Was’

7 Used to Something you ‘used to’ do in the past
J’ai mangé - I ate ( at one point in time) Je mangeais - I used to eat (over a period of time)

8 Emotions Any time you want to tell me how you felt, you use the imperfect. Verbs that will always do this: Se sentir aimer

9 Background Information
Any time you wish to convey background details, you use the imperfect. etre and porter are the two Big verbs that will almost always be imperfect for this reason

10 What’s a progressive action?
I was reading when Marc came down the stairs. First of all, the word « quand » means when. The first verb (before the quand/ when) was happening. This is imperfect. The second verb interrupted the action. This is passé composé. Je lisais quand Marc est descendu.

11 WAS This is the use that people have the most difficulty with.
« How do I say ‘was?’ «  ‘Was’ ALWAYS translates to the imperfect tense.

12 However, WAS can be translated two ways in the imperfect.
Question: Do you have a description? If you are describing someone, you will use etre in the imperfect. If you are saying what someone was doing, you will conjugate the verb you are using in the imperfect.

13 Was examples I was happy I’m describing myself, so I’ll use etre
J’etais content We were studying. I am no longer describing myself, so I use the verb to study in the imperfect J’etudiais

14 When you use the imperfect subjunctive, you’re going to see expressions like:
Il fallait que il était nécessaire que il aimait que je ne croyais pas que je cherchais quelqu’un qui

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