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Potential and Kinetic Energy

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Presentation on theme: "Potential and Kinetic Energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potential and Kinetic Energy

2 All Energy can be stored in 2 states Potential or kinetic energy

3 What is energy? In physical science, energy means the ability to do work. Work means a change in position, speed, state, or form of matter. Therefore, energy is the capacity to change matter.

4 POTENTIAL energy Potential energy is stored energy--energy ready to go. A lawn mower filled with gasoline, a car on top of a hill, and students waiting to go home from school are all examples of potential energy.

5 Kinetic Energy Energy in the form of motion, such as a moving car, a roller coaster moving up and down the track or a top spinning in circles.

6 6 types of energy Chemical energy Body functions
Radiant energy Solar heat Mechanical energy Work Nuclear energy Split an atom Thermal energy Vibrating molecules Electrical energy Light bulbs

7 6 types of energy Law of Conservation of energy. No energy is gained
or lost, only transferred to a different type of energy over and over.

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