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Verbos con complementos indirectos

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1 Verbos con complementos indirectos
Verbs that use indirect object pronouns

2 Some verbs in Spanish use indirect objects (to whom/for whom)
Some verbs in Spanish use indirect objects (to whom/for whom). When you translate sentences that use these verbs, you actually read the sentence backwards. The verbs GUSTAR and ENCANTAR are two of these verbs.

3 Me gusta comer. Te gusta mucho la pizza.
GUSTAR = TO LIKE, PLEASE Me gusta comer. Te gusta mucho la pizza. To eat is pleasing to me. The pizza pleases you a lot. -OR- I like to eat. You like pizza a lot. ENCANTAR = TO LOVE, ENCHANT Me encanta leer. Te encanta la fruta. To read enchants me. The fruit enchants you. I love to read. You love fruit.

4 Because you read these sentences backwards, the verbs must agree with the subject (not the IO pronoun), and will ONLY be written in the singular (él/ella/Ud.) or plural (ellos/ellas/Uds.) forms. FOR EXAMPLE: Me gusta la fruta. (The fruit is pleasing to me.) Me gustan las fresas. (The strawberries are pleasing to me.) Me encanta la limonada. (The lemonade enchants me.) Me encantan los refrescos. (The soft drinks enchant me.)

5 Indirect Object Pronouns:
me nos te le les Prepositional Pronouns: A mí A nosotros A ti A (él/ella/Ud.) A (ellos/ellas/Uds.) **You DO NOT have to use the prepositional pronouns if you don’t want to, but you DO have to use the indirect object pronouns.**

6 When you use these verbs to talk about a noun, include el, la, los, or las.
EXAMPLES: Me encanta el jugo de naranja pero no me gusta la leche. ¿Qué te gustan más, las hamburguesas o los perritos calientes?

7 Examples: A mí me gusta mucho escuchar música.
I like to listen to music a lot. Te gustan las galletas de chocolate. You like the chocolate cookies. A Silvia le encanta dibujar. Silvia loves to draw. ¡Nos encantan las clases de inglés y español! We love English and Spanish classes! A Uds. les gusta la limonada. You all like lemonade.

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