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Just like the ’Motor effect’ – a charged particle experiences a force when Moving through a magnetic field – Use the Slap Rule (thumb is v) F=Bqv.

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Presentation on theme: "Just like the ’Motor effect’ – a charged particle experiences a force when Moving through a magnetic field – Use the Slap Rule (thumb is v) F=Bqv."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just like the ’Motor effect’ – a charged particle experiences a force when Moving through a magnetic field – Use the Slap Rule (thumb is v) F=Bqv

2 What is the direction of this force?
Just use the right hand slap rule… Fingers point in the direction of the magnetic field (B) Forward slap is the force acting on a (+ve) charge Back hand slap is force acting on a (-ve) charge eg for electrons Thumb is direction of charge (velocity vector) v = speed of charge B = magnetic field q = charge

3 In the following examples, is the charge + or - ?

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