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Crusades A Holy War.

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Presentation on theme: "Crusades A Holy War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crusades A Holy War

2 European Christians vs. Arab Muslims
Who is involved? European Christians vs. Arab Muslims Page 318

3 What happened? The Muslim Turks captured Jerusalem in 1071
Pope Urban II wants to reconquer Jerusalem Page 318

4 Knights traveled from Europe to Jerusalem
Where? Knights traveled from Europe to Jerusalem Page 318

5 When? (the four biggest) Page 318

6 Why? 50,000 knights went for: God and salvation adventure and glory
land and wealth Page 318

7 Unorganized! No plan No leader No supply lines How did they get there?
Page 319

8 Successes: Recaptured Jerusalem in 1st Crusade
Established four Crusader States Page 320

9 Crusader States

10 Successes: 1192- Truce between Richard I and Saladin
Christian pilgrims could visit holy places Page 320

11 Failures: Loss of Jerusalem and the Crusader States Page 320

12 Failures: 1204-- Sacking of Constantinople by Christians
Killed Jewish and Muslim inhabitants Page 321

13 Results of Crusades: Byzantium weakened
Decline of feudalism cuz knights left/ rise of nations Decline of Church reputation cuz couldn’t win Page 321

14 Rediscovery of Ancient World
Rebirth of international trade Cultural diffusion of customs and knowledge Page 322

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