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Introductory Lesson #1 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?

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Presentation on theme: "Introductory Lesson #1 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductory Lesson #1 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?
Sixth Grade ELA / Mr. Kelley / Northeast Middle School

2 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?
Part 1 - INTRO

3 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?
SECTION 1: The _________________________ were the religious group which wanted to separate from the Church of England. The _________________________ were the religious group which wanted to remain in the Church of England and “purify” it from within. Most followers of Christ in the 1500’s in Western Europe belonged to the __________ ____________ church. Eventually, many in the Catholic Church left and began other churches. This was called the ______________________ reformation. One of the most famous protestant leaders was ______________ _________________.

4 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?
Part 2 – The Puritans and Separatists

5 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?
SECTION 2: The “Pilgrims” who came to Plymouth Rock on the Mayflower were _________________________. They wanted to completely separate from the Church of England. In 1603, King James I came to the throne in England. He made it a ____________ to hold worship services outside of the Church of England. Many of the Separatists ended up moving to ___________________ so that they could worship as they saw fit. In return for their voyage, the Pilgrims had to give their sponsoring company _________ of everything they made in “America.” 5. The Pilgrims ended up at Cape Cod, and decided to stay there. They began by writing and signing a document called the _____________________ ___________________.

6 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?
Part 3 – Life in the Plymouth Colony

7 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?
SECTION 3: 1. The Pilgrims landed in November. It was too cold to plant crops. As a result, half of them __________ that winter. 2. A few native people taught the Pilgrims how to grow _______________ and how to fertilize the seeds using small ________________. 3. The Pilgrims and natives held a great _______________ to celebrate their first harvest. This is why we hold our modern holiday called _______________________. 4. The Pilgrims later used wood to build __________________ for living. The village was surrounded by a ________________ of pointy logs. 5. On Sunday, everyone had to attend ___________________ services. These services could last up to ___________ hours.

8 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?
Part 4 – Life in the Plymouth Colony (continued)

9 Who Were the Separatists and the Puritans?
SECTION 4: 1. On all other days, New Plymouth was a busy place. People were ________________ houses, _______________ animals, ______________ out pens, and putting up __________ fences. 2. In 1621, King Charles I took the throne of England. He did not like _________________. Soon a great ____________________ of Puritans began pouring into New England. 3. By 1640, there were _______________ (how many) Puritans living in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 4. The people were watched very closely by strict ___________________, who also served as judges over them. 5. In 1692, Puritan judges condemned 19 women to be ________________ for being ________________.

10 TN-Ready / TCAP Preparation

11 TN-Ready / TCAP Preparation
1. Why must we take tests? a. To see if we are ______________________. b. To see what we need to learn ______________. c. To see our ____________________. . 2. What should I do before the test? a. Get a good night’s ________________. Be in the bed by ________ pm on TCAP night!! b. Eat a healthy ___________________. Do not test on an empty _________________. . 3. What should I do during the test? a. ______________ about all that you know. b. Read the ____________________ very ____________________. c. Use your time ______________________. Don’t stay in one place too __________. d. Look back at the ______________ to __________________ your answer. ________________ is based on the text! e. ________________-check your work! f. ________________ down the answer. _______________ off those that you can. . 4. What should I do if I finish early? a. Go back and ________________. Do your answers make _______________? b. Go __________ and check. Did you answer ___________ questions? LEAVE NOTHING BLANK!! . 5. Remember… a. Do not __________________. b. Do not get ______________________. c. Do your ____________________. d. In this “race,” you are not trying to finish _________________.

12 TN-Ready / TCAP Preparation
What To Expect… Four Sections… Each Section is Timed…

13 TN-Ready / TCAP Preparation
What To Expect…

14 TN-Ready / TCAP Preparation
Daily Homework… Go to class website: Go to the new tab called “TCAP Prep.” Go through at least one lesson per night. Fill out and turn in the “completion ticket.” Each “completion ticket” is worth either two points added to a weekly test grade or five points added to a Jaguar Jumpstart grade.

15 Research Project Completion
You have the rest of the class period(if needed) to finish and submit DETAILS: Turn in on flash drive, that we will pass around. . OPTION B (if it is too much to finish at this point) Write an essay as follows: INTRO PARAGRAPH:  3 sentences.  The third sentence is this thesis statement:  The Dust Bowl was a major weather-related catastrophe which impacted the lives of thousands. PARAGRAPH 2:  One way that the dust bowl impacted our nation was ________________________.  Sentence 2 tells a little more.  Sentences 3 and 4 give textual evidence.  Sentence 5 wraps up the thought. PARAGRAPH 3:  A second way that the dust bowl impacted our nation was ___________________.   Sentence 2 tells a little more.  Sentences 3 and 4 give textual evidence.  Sentence 5 wraps up the thought. PARAGRAPH 4:  A third way that the dust bowl impacted our nation was ___________________.   Sentence 2 tells a little more.  Sentences 3 and 4 give textual evidence.  Sentence 5 wraps up the thought. PARAGRAPH 5:  Conclusion.  Use 3-5 sentences to re-state the intro paragraph in different words and phrases.

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