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Endocrine Trivia.

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1 Endocrine Trivia

2 Question 1-5 Indicate whether the hormones are steroid or non-steroid.
1. Aldosterone 2. Testosterone 3. Prolactin 4. Thyroxine 5. Progesterone

3 Question 6 A. mobile-receptor hypothesis Second-messenger hypothesis
Which of the following hormone mechanisms causes a more immediate effect? A. mobile-receptor hypothesis Second-messenger hypothesis They are equal

4 Question 7 The neurohypophysis is made up of which types tissue?
A. glandular B. nervous C. connective

5 Question 8 Where on a target-cell are non-steriod receptors located?
A. DNA B. Cell membrane C. Nucleus D. Ribosomes

6 Question 9-15 Indicate which of the following are hormones released by the adenohypophysis or neurohypophysis 9. Oxytocin 10. Prolactin 11. Antidiuretic(ADH) 12. Growth hormone 13. ACTH 14. Thyroid stimulating hormone 15. Follicle stimulating hormone

7 Question 16 This region of the adrenal gland is made up of neurosecretory tissue. A. medulla B. cortex

8 Question 17-30 Give the hormone that matches the function below.
17. Male sex horome 18. Regulated menstration 19. Prolongs the “flight or fight” response Increases blood sugar levels Controls blood volume/pressure Causes uterine contractions Brings about lactation Known as the stress hormone Increase blood calcium levels Stimulates metabolism Increases fat burning and muscle building Brings about ovulation Decreases blood sugar Regulates sleep patterns Maintains pregnancy

9 Question 31-39 Give the gland that results in the disorder
32. Gigantism 33. Cushing’s 34. Goiter 35. Diabetes mellitus 36. Diabetes insipidus 37. Graves disease 38. Addisons 39. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

10 Question 40 These are also known as tissue hormones.

11 Answers

12 Question 1-5 Indicate whether the hormones are steroid or non-steroid.
1. Aldosterone 2. Testosterone 3. Prolactin 4. Thyroxine 5. Progesterone steroid steroid Non-steroid Non-steroid steroid

13 Question 6 A. mobile-receptor hypothesis Second-messenger hypothesis
Which of the following hormone mechanisms causes a more immediate effect? A. mobile-receptor hypothesis Second-messenger hypothesis They are equal

14 Question 7 The neurohypophysis is made up of which types tissue?
A. glandular B. nervous C. connective

15 Question 8 Where on a target-cell are non-steriod receptors located?
A. DNA B. Cell membrane C. Nucleus D. Ribosomes

16 Question 9-15 Indicate which of the following are hormones released by the adenohypophysis or neurohypophysis 9. Oxytocin 10. Prolactin 11. Antidiuretic hormone 12. Growth hormone 13. ACTH 14. Thyroid stimulating hormone 15. Follicle stimulating hormone neurohypophysis adenohypophysis neurohypophysis adenohypophysis adenohypophysis adenohypophysis adenohypophysis

17 Question 16 This region of the adrenal gland is made up of neurosecretory tissue. A. medulla B. cortex

18 Question 17-30 Give the hormone that matches the function below.
17. Male sex horome 18. Regulated menstration 19. Prolongs the “flight or fight” response Increases blood sugar levels Controls blood volume/pressure Causes uterine contractions Brings about lactation Known as the stress hormone Increase blood calcium levels Stimulates metabolism Increases fat burning and muscle building Brings about ovulation Decreases blood sugar Regulates sleep patterns Maintains pregnancy Testosterone Estrogen Epinepherine Glucagon Aldosterone/ADH Oxytocin Prolactin Corticol PTH Thyroxine/TSH GH FSH Insulin Melatonin Progesterone

19 Question 31-39 Give the gland that results in the disorder
32. Gigantism 33. Cushing’s 34. Goiter 35. Diabetes mellitus 36. Diabetes insipidus 37. Graves disease 38. Addisons 39. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) Pituitary Adrenals Thyroid Pancreas Pituitary/Adrenals Pineal

20 Question 40 These are also known as tissue hormones. Prostaglandins

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