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Presentation on theme: "Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 introduction

2 Why is data Important?? Could you play Pokemon Go if the names of all the pokemons, their abilities and their locations weren’t stored somewhere? Would you go to a hospital where they never kept records are anything?

3 Quantitative vs Qualitative
Define quantitative data? Give and example Define qualitative data? Give and example

4 quantitative Quantitative data are numeric measurements. The data are objective- they are the same no matter who measures them. They include measurements such as mass, volume, temperature, distance, concentration, time, or frequency. Example: There are nine dolphins in this pod.

5 Qualitative Qualitative data are descriptions in words of what is being observed. They are based on some quality of an observation, such as color, odor, or texture. Example: Dolphin colors range from gray to white.

6 Identify which is Quantitative and which is Qualitative:
The gummy worm increased by 2 inches. There were four dogs in the group. The dogs were small. The sample contained 3 different types of bacteria. The patient complained of aches and pains. The patient had a temperature 102 degrees. The chimp identified 12 pictures correctly.  The parrots range from bright green to dark red. The balloon increased in size from 5 inches to 8 inches around.

7 Types of Data Collection:
Primary Data: Secondary Data: Books Articles on the Internet Questionnaires Surveys Newspapers Research Papers Interviews Observations Statistics

8 Authentic sources of data
Visit the following websites: Which is an authentic source?

9 Creating questions: Open Ended: Closed:

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