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By the end of this lesson you will have:

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1 By the end of this lesson you will have:
Ethical Egoism By the end of this lesson you will have: Understood what is meant by ethical egoism Learnt how this is different to psychological egoism Applied these situations to dilemmas

2 Spec Check AO1 AO2 Ethical Egoism:
Normative agent focused ethic based on self-interest as opposed to altruism; ethical theory that matches the moral agent's psychological state (psychological egoism); concentration on long term self-interests rather than short term interests; Max Stirner, self-interest as the root cause of every human action even if it appears altruistic; rejection of egoism for material gain; union of egoists. Challenges: destruction of a community ethos; social injustices could occur as individuals put their own interests first; a form of bigotry (why is one moral agent more important than any other?). * The extent to which ethical egoism inevitably leads to moral evil. * The extent to which all moral actions are motivated by self-interest.

3 Starter - Ethical Egoism
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘ego’? EGOCENTRIC EGOMANIAC EGOTISTICAL

4 Starter - Ethical Egoism
If you were an ego maniac….. What ‘college’ rules would you devise?

5 What is Ethical Egoism? Egoism is a form of consequentialism because it asks you to weigh up what actions would be good for your own self-interest It states that one should not (as altruism does) sacrifice one's own interests to help others' interests, so long as one's own interests are substantially equivalent to the others' interests and well-being. If you interests are as important as someone else's – you have a duty to protect yourself Ethical egoism does not, however, require moral agents to harm the interests and well-being of others when making moral deliberation; e.g. what is in an agent's self-interest may be incidentally detrimental, beneficial, or neutral in its effect on others. Nor does ethical egoism necessarily entail that, in pursuing self-interest, one ought always to do what one wants to do; e.g. in the long term, the fulfillment of short-term desires may prove detrimental to the self. Fleeting pleasure, then, takes a back seat to protracted eudaimonia. In the words of James Rachels, "Ethical egoism [...] endorses selfishness, but it doesn't endorse foolishness."

6 Ethical Egoism is as a normative agent focussed ethic
This means that it looks at how humans ought to behave The word ‘ought’ means – duty So when someone tells you that you ought to do something, they are giving you a moral command The study of ethical action i.e. ‘How should I act today? What should I do in this situation’ Ethical Egoism

7 Ethical Egoism is Based on Self-Interest as Opposed to Altruism
Self interest = one's personal interest or advantage, especially when pursued without regard for others. Often seen as self-serving Altruism = disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. This basically means that the person has a duty to act in a way which pleases them and helps them meet their own goals. Think, Pair, Share: In what way could acting out of self-interest create an ethically good society?

8 Psychological Egoism is a branch of egoism
Psychological Egoism states that a human being is psychologically incapable of doing anything that does not promote his or her self- interest It is different to ethical egoism which suggests that humans have a choice or a duty to act out of self-interest Psychological egoism believes that any motive behind any action is selfish Psychological egoism can NOT include un-selfish desires

9 Ethical Egoism is based on long term not short term interests
Ethical Egoism accepts that you may have to forgo things in the short term for a long term benefit EG even if you wanted to go to park life the day before your RS exam, this would not ultimately be in your long term interests as you may fail the exam…

10 Max Stirner - Quiz, Quiz, Trade
Look up the answer to your question On your whiteboard write BOTH the question AND the answer You have 10 mins to swap answers as many times as possible with people in your class

11 Max Stirner – Quiz, Quiz, Trade – Using Stanford Encyclopaedia Sheet
1. What is an egoist? 2. Complete this quote ‘I am everything to myself and I do everything ….’ 3. How does Stirner view other people? 4. What are all humans according to Stirner? 5. Why can an individual not bear to only be part of society? 6. What is the only reason that an egoist would support a higher being according to Stirner? 7. What is the greatest threat towards Man’s individuality according to Striner? 8. What must egoism lead to? 9. Why does hierarchy need to be removed? 10. Why does Stirner promote a –dis-respect for property?

12 Max Stirner – Quiz, Quiz, Trade – Using EDQUAS textbook
1. What century is Max Stirner? 2. How did Stirner accept psychological egoism? 3. Why is the notion of the ‘self-interest’ deluded? 4. Does Stirner think that we are actually free to make moral decisions? 5. What is the only way to engage one’s uniqueness in the world? 6. How have religious frameworks degraded humans? 7. How would Stirner say that a human should respond to giving a poor person money? 8. How does Stirner say that someone reaches ‘ownness’? 9. What does being unique mean for Stirner? 10. What is the union of egoists?

13 Max Striner’s Ethical Egoism
19th Century German Scholar Wrote The Ego and its Own Stated that man needs to break free from the frameworks which prevent him from acting in his own self-interest Even something such as money or property can be a threat to man’s freedom

14 Max Striner’s Ethical Egoism
Stirner suggested that self-interest should be the root cause of every action Stirner suggested that humans need to reject material gain when pursuing self-interest. This is because even money is distracting when pursuing self-interest Stirner suggested that society people should work together as a ‘union of egoists’ because co=operation is important to get your own goals in life. EG For your self-interest you need a teacher to get to University/Apprenticeship – so you might do what a teacher says because you know it will benefit you in the long run

15 Dilemmas - Applied You want to get drunk at a party the week before your RS exam – do you go home or go hard? You want an abortion because you don’t feel as though you can cope raising at child at 17 as this would affect you’re a-Levels and future career – do you abort or not? You are in a fire and could try and save another person next to you, or just run and get out yourself – what do you do? You care about education and believe everyone has a right to education. You see a job advertised that pays below minimum wage to raise awareness of education in high schools – do you apply for the job?

16 ‘What is Ethical Egoism with reference to Max Stirner’ (20) Write Up – AO1 paragraph starters…
P1. Ethical egoism is a normative agent focussed ethics based on self- interest as opposed to altruism…… P2. Ethical Egoism is an ethical theory that matches the moral agent’s psychological state…….. P3. Ethical Egoism concentrates on long term self-interests rather than short term interests….. P4. 19th Century scholar Max Stirner developed Ethical Egoism to state self interest should be the root cause of every human action even if it appears altruistic P5. Stirner went on to suggest that humans should reject material gain and the develop a union of egoists TASK: Using the EDUQAS textbook pages on ethical egoism, write up your designated paragraph

17 Ethical Egoism - Challenges
By the end of this lesson you will have: Re-capped what you know so far on Egoism Understood the challenges against ethical egoism Evaluated ethical egoism

18 Spec Check Virtue Theory Challenges
Normative agent focussed ethic based on self-interest as opposed to altruism; ethical theory that matches the moral agent’s psychological state (psychological egoism); concentration on long term self-interests rather than short term interests; Max Stirner, self-interest is the root cause of every human action even if it appears altruistic; rejection of egoism for material gain; union of egoists Destruction of a community ethos; social injustices could occur as individuals put their own interest first; a form of bigotory (why is one moral agent more important than any other?) The extent to which ethical egoism inevitably leads to moral evil The extent to which all moral actions are motivated by self-interest

19 Destruction of a community Ethos
Community = a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. THINK: Why might Ethical egoism destruct a community ethos? Because a community ethos is where people work together and share in each other's strengths and weaknesses. What would happen to the homeless charities that help the less fortunate?

20 Social Injustices Could Occur
Ethical egoism encourages the pursuit of an individual’s own interests, however these could lead to another individual’s suffering EG David Cameron suggested an EU referendum to keep him in power, but this has left millions unhappy and poorer

21 It can be seen as a form of bigotry
A bigot is a prejudiced person, who is intolerant towards different people. Bigots tend to believe their own group is superior to others and divide themselves from other people Bigotry can lead to sexism and racism EG If people believe their own self-interest is to keep women in the house out of work, ethical egoism would encourage this

22 AO2 Attempt – ‘Ethical Egoism inevitably leads to moral evil’
FIRST Think of 3 points for and 3 points against NEXT Decide for yourself what your response to the question is THEN Plan a response using the PESEL structure in your essay planning booklet

23 Ethical Egoism will lead to moral evil
WON’T Because self-interest could lead to immoral acts i.e. murder The union of egoists wouldn’t let that happen as it’s in self-interest to live in a safe society With freedom comes great responsibility to act for yourself – if frameworks are removed then the most vulnerable are targeted (people may not pay taxes or give to charity) However, mutual aid still exists in egoism which could help vulnerable people (there is less crime when people are helped) It can lead to bigotry which is a form of moral evil (man might want his wife to stay at home) Arguably egoism needs co-operation between races/sexes in order for your own self interests to flourish Ethical Egoism will lead to moral evil

24 ROLE PLAY Create a script based on your ethical theory
The play needs to be 5mins long (i.e. include key words and key features of the theory) Each script needs to focus on a chosen ethical dilemma Everyone needs at least ONE speaking part (confidence building) Your script should involve the pros and the cons of the theory The script needs an ending – what are you deciding to do based on your theory? You can make props?? Be creative!!

25 Ethical Egoism - Challenges
By the end of this lesson you will have: Re-capped what you know so far on Egoism Understood the challenges against ethical egoism Evaluated ethical egoism

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