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Middle Ages 1000- 1300+.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle Ages 1000- 1300+."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle Ages

2 What is happening to European Civilization?
Governments: large warring kingdoms Return to strong central governments monarchs decrease power of nobles to increase theirs Society: decline of feudalism 90% still serfs Revival of cities small, dark, dirty, 5, ,000 people Growth of middle class– members of the guilds

3 What is happening to European Civilization?
Economy: Agriculture improves Four new inventions: Horseshoe- faster than oxen Iron Plow- good in the dense soil Windmill- grinds grain faster Three field system- more land cultivated More food- more people…

4 What is happening to European Civilization?
Economy: Trade revives Roads repaired Coined money re-emerges banking Church forbids usury Jews become money lenders Guilds- regulate hours, wages, quality, and training Fairs- center of trade, grow into towns Burghers– townspeople

5 What is happening to European Civilization?
Culture: Revival of education Est. of universities, train like a guild Not just in monasteries Class in Latin Revival of literature Vernacular for creative literature

6 Church Problems and Solutions
Loss of spirituality/ discipline- vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience broken Church reform- led by monasteries and new orders stress spirituality and work Led by Cluny, St. Benedict, and Dominican friars Simony, nepotism, and worldliness of upper clergy (stress care of poor, needy, and sick) Secular control of the Church Mass in Latin Music- to involve people in prayer Voices cuz instruments were bad

7 Church Problems and Solutions
Romanesque churches had little light Gothic arch- pointed arches, high walls, stained glass, etc. Main form of art in the Middle Ages Philosophy of Middle Ages based on faith, not reason// superstition replaced logic Scholasticism- faith through reasoning Summa Theologica- Aquinas Wycliffe and Hus suggest reforms Popes increase political power: cannon law- church laws restructure organization sent diplomats

8 Romanesque

9 Gothic

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