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Critical Thinking Could algebra finally pay off? You’ll have three minutes to figure this out. No cheating or talking.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking Could algebra finally pay off? You’ll have three minutes to figure this out. No cheating or talking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking Could algebra finally pay off? You’ll have three minutes to figure this out. No cheating or talking.

2 Have you ever been this bored in line?
When I went to the store, I purchased four items. The following shows the cost of three of the items: $1.50 $3.00 $4.00  The line to the checkout was pretty long, so to quench my boredom I started playing with my pocket calculator while waiting. I found out, to my surprise, that the four prices of the four items I purchased added to the same number as I got when I multiplied the four prices together. What was the price of the fourth item? Have you ever been this bored in line?

3 The three prices add to 1. 50 + 3. 00 + 4. 00 = $8. 50
The three prices add to = $ The three prices multiply to 1.50 x 3.00 x 4.00 = $ You might be able to see that adding another $0.50 will take the total to $9.00, and multiplying by another $0.50 will take the product to $9.00 also, but the answer can also be found using algebra. Let's call the unknown price P: P = 1.50 x 3.00 x 4.00 x P P = x P = x P - P = x P 8.50/17.00 = P P = 0.50. Did you pass Algebra?

4 Goals for the Day I can improve my understanding of multiple choice questions and at least one of the three essays.

5 We will NOT take a vocabulary quiz this week
We will NOT take a vocabulary quiz this week. The vocabulary words I’m giving you today will be assessed NEXT Friday. Vocabulary Quiz #29

6 AP Practice Exam Wednesday, April 17 – 4th and 6th
Meet in the media center immediately after 2nd period. Please get their as quickly as possible. We will be pressed for time even with two full periods. Bring a pencil, a blue or black pen, and some loose leaf paper. You may want to bring or wear a watch to help you keep time – no countdown timers through. When you sit down, make sure all of you are facing south (toward the tennis courts). Be responsible and ensure you have spoken to other teachers about what you will miss and making up any work. You will all eat C lunch. If the bell for C lunch rings and you are completely finished, you may exit the media center quietly. If you are not finished, please finish your test. We will make sure you have a pass to get to lunch and that you have ample time to eat if you need additional time. AP Practice Exam Wednesday, April 17 – 4th and 6th

7 Make-up Quizzes and Timed Writing
If you were not here on Thursday, please go to the media center and take them now. 4th period th period Ott Carner Simmons Johnson Pease Sigler Stinson Make-up Quizzes and Timed Writing

8 Multiple Choice – AP Quiz
Begin with some review, revision, and practice with the multiple choice portion of the test. Go through last week’s multiple choice quiz and make sure everyone in your group fully understands why they missed what they missed. If you finish early, please take out one of your Albert Assignments and begin working through one of those (you may work as a group under the same guidelines as always – come to a group consensus or select the answer individually once you’ve discussed. Don’t let one person sacrifice and then give the answer to everyone else.

9 As a group, consider how these three essays are similar to one another and how they are each unique individually. Rhetorical Analysis The Essays Synthesis Argument

10 Synthesis Sample Essay
Highlight the thesis in one color. Highlight the topic sentence or main claim of each paragraph in another color. Highlight the evidence/support she uses to support claims in a third color. What do you notice about the evidence/support? Synthesis Sample Essay

11 Position Statements: Thinking about the future could affect one’s ability to experience and appreciate the present, but it also may not affect the present. It just depends how you look at things. Planning for the for the future restricts our capacity to appreciate the moment and ultimately life as a whole because it distracts from what is really important – the present. Anticipating and planning for the future allows people to survive, grow, and, in a sense, appreciate life in the present even more. Argumentative Essay

12 My cousin was getting married last year, and it was the day of her wedding. The night before all she could think about was tomorrow and how everything had to be perfect. The day of the wedding, she was worried something was going to go wrong. She was scared they wouldn’t stay married forever, and she wanted the after party to be perfect. All day, that’s all she thought about. When the wedding was over, and we were on our way home, she said, “I can’t believe it’s already over.” My cousin was so worried thinking about the future on her wedding day that she didn’t even get to appreciate and enjoy the present as she should have. Argument - Support

13 When people plan for the future, most often they are trying to prepare themselves in order to have a better life. This can be shown through our preparation for college, a new job, or maybe even a vacation. In doing so, if a person is not careful, they can miss wonderful opportunities that appear to them. Argument - Support

14 Review the handout. What other strategies or devices have we discussed that could be included?
Remember to consider the largest, most important moves the author makes first. Smaller, less critical devices likely fall within the larger moves, so discuss those as they arise within the larger moves. Rhetorical Analysis

15 Rhetorical Analysis Examples
Bad example – too small and focused: Johnson used repetition of the word “all” in the second sentence of fourth paragraph. He repeats this word three times. He does this to emphasize that “all” of these qualities are seen in a good President, not just some. Good example – multiple strategies embedded within a larger Johnson compares and contrasts the qualities necessary to become a great President throughout the entire essay. In the opening paragraph, he begins by using enumeration to list the many qualities that Presidents might have. By simply supplying the reader with this long list, he prepares us for the various qualities he will compare and contrast later in the essay. He follows this up by using two anecdotes – one to demonstrate good leadership and one to demonstrate where leadership can go wrong. Here, he is already showing the contrast between the qualities of good and great leaders. Rhetorical Analysis Examples

16 Practice/Study for Wednesday
The second version of the 2018 exam essay questions is posted on Google Classroom. Read each prompt, deconstruct the prompt, and go through your pre-writing phase as if you were going to write each essay. Create an outline of what you would write, if you were to write the essay. You do NOT have to write any of the essays unless you just feel like it would help you. Practice/Study for Wednesday

17 Complete at least one of the Albert Assignments by Sunday at midnight.
Read through the three prompts on Classroom – outline each of essays (basically do the minutes of prewriting you would do in a test situation).

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