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How can we understand and appreciate our cultural differences?

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Presentation on theme: "How can we understand and appreciate our cultural differences?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we understand and appreciate our cultural differences?
Get Ready to Read How can we understand and appreciate our cultural differences? Think about an honor that you have earned. What was it? What are some savory dishes that your family serves on holidays? Why is respecting different cultures important to understanding them? Have you ever been served food that caused you to react with astonishment?

2 What are some things that you feel grateful for?
Get Ready to Read Amazing Words Grateful – thankful and feeling generous or kind because of wanting to give thanks What are some things that you feel grateful for? Name a person you are grateful for. Appreciation – gratitude or thankfulness They sent a thank you note to show their appreciation for the dinner. How is it customary to show appreciation?

3 Prefix Meaning Example Pro- For, before, in front of
Get Ready to Read Word Analysis Prefixes – pro-, uni-, dis-, re- Prefix Meaning Example Pro- For, before, in front of Progress, promoted Uni- One Unison Dis- Not, opposite of Disinfect, disgraced Re- Again Retreat, revolting

4 Conflict and Resolution
Get Ready to Read Exaggeration Look at My Fifth Grade Teachers. Find an example of exaggeration in this selection. What makes it exaggerated? Conflict and Resolution What is the conflict in a story? What is the resolution?

5 Multiple Meaning Words
Read and Comprehend Multiple Meaning Words Although I love spending time with my friends, I sometimes relish a quiet afternoon at home. What does relish mean in this sentence? As we progress into the wilderness, please stay close to the path. What does progress mean? Read A Party for Mom. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the highlighted words.

6 Read and Comprehend Fluency Practice

7 What are some examples or expressions of culture?
Read and Comprehend What are some examples or expressions of culture? How do we experience different cultures in our daily lives? How can cultural differences cause conflicts?

8 As you read pages 394-395, think about:
Read and Comprehend As you read pages , think about: Other than celery, what is another difference between the Lins and the Gleasons so far at the dinner party? Do the characters and actions seem realistic? Based on the Lin family’s actions, do you think it was rude of the Lin family to pull the strings off their celery stalks at the party?

9 As you read pages 396-397, think about:
Read and Comprehend As you read pages , think about: On page 396, the author uses the simile Our family beat a retreat back to the sofa as if chased by enemy soldiers. Why do you think the author includes this? Compare and contrast the dinner party in The All American Slurp with the Thanksgiving Dinner in Yangs’ Thanksgiving. On page 397, the author uses the word tense. What are some meanings for the word tense? Which one is correct here?

10 As you read pages 398-399, think about:
Read and Comprehend As you read pages , think about: Find another multiple meaning word on page What does it mean? On page 398, what does the author mean when she says the narrator worked on her? What kinds of things does the narrator need in order to feel like she belongs in the new country?

11 As you read pages 400-401, think about:
Read and Comprehend As you read pages , think about: What is the authors’ attitude toward French restaurants? What words and phrases help you visualize the Lakeview restaurant? When have you felt like you don’t belong?

12 What role do the commas play in these sentences?
Language Arts Commas I need to buy milk, bread, and apples. After grocery shopping, we will go to the park. What role do the commas play in these sentences? Explain the comma usage in these sentences: Martha, please clean your room. Mom said, “We need to go.” Skiing, snowboarding, and skating are my favorite winter sports. When I grow up, I want to be a ballerina.

13 Language Arts Spelling Sort your words into two categories.

14 Language Arts Writing Write a formal invitation to your friend, inviting him or her to a dinner party at your house. Make a word web with specific information you will want to include in your invitation.

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