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The Red Room L/O 4: Setting and Theme

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1 The Red Room L/O 4: Setting and Theme
To explore the description of the red room and analyse to word level To analyse the representation of passion, self-control and violence in the relationship between Stephen and Isabelle

2 Pg 58 extract She said, “Come to the red room.” By the time Stephen turned around she had gone. The red room. He panicked. He was sure it would be one of those he had once seen but could never re-find; it would be like a place in a dream that remains out of reach; it would always be behind him. He ran up the stairs and saw her turn a corner. She went down the main corridor to a narrow passage, down again through a little archway. At the end of the corridor was a locked door that led into the servants’ part of the house. Just before it, the last door on the left, was an oval china handle that rattled in the ill fitting lock. He caught her as she opened the door on to a small room with a brass bedstead and a red cover.

3 Isabelle and Stephen: The Theme of Passion and Self-Control (48-62)
AO2L: Analyse the language used in the account of Stephen and Isabelle’s love making. What associations are suggested linguistically about their passion and images of violence, death and oblivion? AO2F: Find examples of the shift in narratorial perspective: when Stephen and Isabelle move to the red room to make love, the narrative perspective shifts from his to hers. Why? What is the effect of this? On the reader? On the morality of their passion Compare and evaluate this episode with the narrative perspective on Isabelle’s sexual life with Azaire on page 39. What is so different about her feelings described on page 60 for Stephen? Do the different expressions of the two men suggest they have different values? DISCUSS: Is there anything more substantial to this relationship than passion and sex? RESPOND: How is this theme of passion and self-control developed?

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