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Scientific Method 8/21/14.

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1 Scientific Method 8/21/14

2 What is the scientific method?
It is a process that is used to find answers to questions about the world around us. Is there only one “scientific method”? No, there are several versions of the scientific method. Some versions have more steps, while others may have only a few. However, they all begin with the identification of a problem or a question to be answered based on observations of the world around us and provide an organized method for conducting and analyzing an experiment. What is a hypothesis? It is an educated guess based on observations and your knowledge of the topic. What is data? It is information gathered during an experiment.

3 Science Scenarios

4 Hypothesis Experiment Type of data gathered



7 Remember Being wrong is one of the steps toward truth (modify the hypothesis in the light of your results). Only after you have tested some hypotheses can you rule them out. Only by ruling them out can you narrow things down to the right answer. 5min

8 The Activity How do you think scientists know what an atom really looks like? What about the nucleus? An atom is very small and the nucleus of the atom is even smaller. Scientists must throw neutrons at the nuclei and measure how the neutrons bounce away. From those measures, they INFER about the contents of the nucleus. YOUR class has a similar activity to investigate. 1min

9 Procedures Each group has been given a sealed container with a number on it. We are going to do careful measurements and descriptions. Write down the problem under Identify the Problem Without opening the box, hypothesize a description that explains what is inside and write it down in Form a Hypothesis. Although scientists have learned much about the nucleus, no scientist has ever seen a single nucleus alone. 5min

10 Procedures Now write down in sequential order in Create an Experiment what you and your partner(s) will do to try and solve what is in your blue box? Perform your experiment sequentially and write down the results in Analyze the Data. Shake, hold, smell, listen, weigh, your boxes, BUT do not peek inside. Write down your results beside each action. For example: smell = no distinct smell, smell likely from material of box itself. OR shake = object sounds small and thin since hearing movement. 15min

11 Procedures Sometimes, when scientists are doing experimental studies, they consult with their colleagues for suggestions. This may help to shed new light. NOW, swap your box with the another group. Again, make observations and write down the actions you performed with your colleagues’ box. 5min

12 Procedures Obtain your box back from your colleagues. Handling the other box may have made you aware of some new things about your own box. Now, write 5 different words that describe your box compared to your neighbor’s box. 2min

13 Procedures Sometimes, others in the field may have come across or may be doing their own experimental study on a similar object. This is when scientists begin calling, writing, or ing colleagues far (global) from them. It just so happens that each box in this room has a twin. Discuss and write down the other team’s observations. Box 1 & 5 Box 3 & 7 Box 2 & 6 Box 4 & 8 5min 1/5 battery, 2/6 eraser, 3/7 4 thumbtacks, 4/8 2 paperclips

14 Procedures Back to our seats.
At this point, a good scientists would find literary research at the library or internet. I found a 4” thick “Encyclopedia of Little Blue Boxes,” which has lots of information about the objects in the containers. In the book, these containers have only 1 kind of object inside, but can have 1 or more quantities. Revise your hypothesis and write down what object and how many you think is in your box, if needed. 2min

15 Procedures If this was a real investigation, you would not be allowed to look inside the box.

16 Conclusion Was your initial hypothesis correct?
Was your revised hypothesis correct? Was your explanation correct? Did the descriptive words you wrote fit the object that you have found? What about the group that had the twin box? Did they have the same description and was their box really your twin? Now, close the container and return it to me so I can reuse them. Begin writing your conclusion in COMPLETE SENTENCE. When you are done, I will collect for grading. 5min

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