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The Scientific Method (cont.)

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1 The Scientific Method (cont.)
Chapter 1

2 Lab Report PART II is DATA COLLECTION and is performed during class. The data and observations are recorded in the data section of the PRE-LAB. This information will be transcribed to the Lab Report.

3 Lab Report LAB REPORT – Used to communicate results of experiment:
So that other scientists can replicate your work (PEER REVIEW). So that other scientists can LEARN from your work (RESEARCH). PASSIVE VOICE – “Three boys were suspended.” Active Voice – The Principal suspended three boys. 3rd PERSON – He, she, or it pronouns. When possible pronouns should be eliminated to avoid confusion and ambiguity.

4 Lab Report TYPED – Like the Lab Notebook, the Lab Report MUST be NEAT. It should be typed with 1” margins using 12 pt. Arial font, be DOUBLE SPACED, and include PART I (without the Experimental Design Diagram).

5 Lab Report PART III is ANALYSIS and is completed as a homework assignment. It includes: CALCULATIONS and GRAPHS – A formula and at least one example of each calculation should be shown. ANALYSIS QUESTIONS (Self-Explanatory)

6 Lab Report 1. Make an Observation Revise and Retest
Hypothesis 1. Make an Observation Identify a Question/Problem 2. Research the Question 7. Draw Conclusions 6. Analyze Data 3. Formulate a Hypothesis 5. Collect Data Conduct an Experiment (Test the Hypothesis)

7 Lab Report CONCLUSIONS – Should answer the following six (6) questions: What was the PURPOSE of the experiment? What were the major FINDINGS? Did the data support the hypothesis?

8 Lab Report How did your findings compare with other researchers? We will use the class results to answer this question. What possible EXPLANATIONS can you offer for your findings? What recommendations do you have for further study and for improving the experiment?

9 Lab Report Exercise

10 Graphing Activity #1

11 Graphing Activity #2

12 Homework Read Ink Chromatography Lab
Complete a Pre-Lab, including an experimental design diagram

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