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The 10 Essay Writing Commandments

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1 The 10 Essay Writing Commandments

2 1st COMMANDMENT YOU MUST NOT REFER TO YOUR ESSAY IN YOUR ESSAY I.E: IN THIS ESSAY I WILL IN THE PREVIOUS QUOTATION… AS PREVIOUSLY NOTED… It is weak writing if you cannot bring your reader to an idea without pointing out that you are doing so. In this essay, I will I get it ! It is on paper !

3 2nd COMMANDMENT YOU MUST NOT ASK QUESTIONS. EVER. NEVER. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You essay should be so thought-provoking that the reader asks him/herself the questions on his/her own.

4 3rd COMMANDMENT YOU MUST NOT USE FIRST PERSON SINGULAR OR PLURAL. The reader knows that is you who is arguing or making a point. You should also try to avoid second person. Always write in the third person. Instead, use “one” or “the reader”. I WE

Contractions give a lazy impression. The lack of contractions makes your essay and voice seem direct and active, rather than passive. The reason that the driving age shouldn’t be reduced because adolescents aren’t responsible is wrong. The reason that the driving age should not be reduced because adolescents are not responsible is wrong.

6 5th COMMANDMENT YOU MUST NOT USE EXCLAMATION MARKS ! Exclamation points are most often used in dialogue or within quotations but never in academic works. Adding a !!! does not stress the importance of your paper. Always remember, there is no room for fun in acadamia.

7 6th COMMANDMENT YOU MUST NEVER USE PARTENTHESES IN YOUR ESSAY. Brackets (parentheses) are used within a sentence to include information that is not essential…so why include it ?

8 7th COMMANDMENT YOU MUST NOT COUNT. Firstly, the media violence increases aggression in children. Secondly, the media violence desensitizes people. Thirdly, the media violence increases the interest in carnage in real events. I may be an English teacher, but I do know how to count to ten!

9 8th COMMANDMENT YOU MUST NEVER USE THE VERB “TO GET”. This verb sounds very informal and brings the quality of your writing down. Instead, use verbs like “becomes” or “purchases”, depending on the context of the sentence.

10 9th COMMANDMENT YOU MUST NEVER USE WEAK WORDS. You are well-educated and should own a thesaurus. Weak words such as “a lot”, “very”, and “pretty” have no place in your work. These words are dead to me, and I will not accept them in your essays. What words could you use instead?

11 10th COMMANDMENT YOU MUST FOLLOW THE STRUCTURE TAUGHT IN CLASS. Do not be creative and place your thesis elsewhere. Do not assume that I will be amused by searching for your topic sentence. I will not be. It will have the opposite effect. Consider it to be painting-by-numbers. You cannot deviate from the plan. Otherwise, your picture will not look anything like it should, and your grandma will not want to hang it on her fridge.

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